2012-10-28 20:03:16Peter




You always burned with violent curiosity over what was in the box of mine.But I expected you devoted all your energies to the studying.本來兩者是不衝突,可是你問問題的方式不對. 善問者,如攻堅木,先其易者,後其節目,及其久也,相說以解;不善問者反此。善待問者,如撞鐘,扣之以小則小鳴,扣之以大者則大鳴,待其從容,然後盡其聲;不善答問者反此。此皆進學之道也。

There is nothing new under the sun. Etiquette Rules: The very big problem with 'no problem' .Murphy's Law: If anything can go wrong, it will.And If there are two or more ways to do something, and one of those ways can result in a catastrophe, then someone will do it.妳要記住沒有窗那來的窗外,這些規則是要熟悉的.自認Everything is OK反而是最危險.人生如戲,戲如人生.這個或許是人類最古老的藝術演戲,你自認已經絲絲入扣?

The subject of your major in,that is a very difficult to study.. You are, moreover,you ready go to graduate school. You are an academic lady so you should have rich contents to share.如果妳願意多分享,妳定會得到更多甚至更好的Feedback的.這樣更能縮短妳,”會當淩絕頂,一覽眾山小”的時間.

The world only one person can break the unruly horse which is indicate you and that person is me.So you have to treate me with respect.畢竟這世間就這麼小,沒有甚麼不可能,隨時要提防萬一成真的該怎麼辦,才是明智之舉.好多是我還等著妳教我.

