2006-11-24 09:57:03Mr.wound

See Through

one of my friend’s friend was birthday yesterday so we guys went to my working place to have dinner
during meal, everything was fine
but after a rude & 自以為 Hongkong boy who study high school here coming, i nearly lose my temper...

1.one of the girl who from Hongkong
she got some reasons that have to go out for a moment
if you wanna go out temporary, you have to put a stamp on hands
she nether did that nor saying anything while she came back restaurant
manager call her "excuse me~!" twice
but she still came straight away
and most of my "friend" criticize my manager is rude to customer

2.another hk boy was coming late
after ate serveral meal
his fork and knife has been taken away by waiter
he was mad cause the waiter took that therefore he took a set of fork and knife from another table which have been set up
my manager come to tell him if he wanna clean fork plz take that from the box which just beside those meal
he turn to angry and criticize she was discriminate we Asian
if he is Australian my manager must be polite
and most of people agree that and discuss how bad this restaurant is

這是什麼狗屁? 自己把人家擺好的刀叉拿走 我之前在這工作我知道大家都不喜歡客人把都已經擺好的刀叉拿走 明明在拿餐的旁邊擺了一大堆任你拿
當場有一個朋友我本來覺得他是有理智,會就事論事的人 結果卻和他們一個鼻孔出氣 一直批評講的很難聽 而且從剛進餐廳
就開始不斷批評 還說什麼他"從來"不吃那麼貴的餐廳 一直講貴 不然就是哪個菜不好吃
那不想吃就不要來嘛! 難得有人生日何必破壞氣氛? 明明就賺了一堆錢 還要跟守財奴一樣 到底吃個飯會死阿?
那個香港有錢垃圾 不先看看自己做了什麼事情 卻一直怪說被歧視 幹 講難聽一點 澳洲人大部分都不會那麼沒品 他被歧視是自找的! 那個香港女的也是 我之前的老闆和經理 叫了他兩次 他都頭也不回的走進餐廳 還怪說 他們沒禮貌
真的 看透了 有錢又鴨覇
C. 2006-11-29 14:25:53

long time no see.
i’m in school.