2006-01-14 00:09:09阿寶


係呢三日裡,我好憎我自己。有多嘢我可以做得更好,但因我一時鬆懈,結果做得好差。Preparation 一百分,無問題。問題係..
1.原來我無公事包,但要carry training material, so I carried a paperbag.
So being inched.. by saying ’u r not professional at all. If u dont have briefcase, can u ask sb to take the material for u ?"
2. I dont have mont blanc pens. During the meeting, everyone takes a mont blanc pens except me, taking a pen from the office. Fuck.
3.During the dinner, they talk about sex. AsIdont have any knowledgeabout that, I was so quiet and looked so weird. Again, being inched.
4. People who attend my training doesnt know they need to attend this
training. I look sillyin front of them.
5. I said sth which I should not.
6. I forgot to say please and thank you tomyboss and even I said that, I forgot to look at his eyes. Being inched for 10 mins.
7. I was totally exhausted and no one in my side said that thanks for my >10 hours preparation while carrying all the heavy stuff (Yes, I am a woman and as I am junior, I need to carry them) Only clients said I have done a great job.
8. i dont want to have breakfast with colleagues and they discovered that i had order room service. Shit.
9. They are going to employ a Thai so my trips to Thai will be creased v soon.
10. No receipt for Thai taxi. cannot claim.
11. >6 mosquito bite me..

tHE ONLY GOOD THING..I refused togo to Indo and India and they agreed.

Please kill me. And the most disgusting question "Jennifer, do you have a bf?" This q happened twice in this trip. Fuck off. Noneof your business. If I have, I will share my story.

I am really really hate my existence in this world.