2013-08-23 16:17:38沉澱著的美

Zhejiang embroidery clothing Limited company T-YSKJ art spac

T-YSKJ joined
brand advantage: Six authorized
1, brand management right: special franchisee in the area of agency signed, to enjoy the right to use the brand and commodity management right; the right to the use of
2, image: VI image design system using free headquarters unified, to achieve the national image of the store whole and unity;
3, agent priority: the priority to enjoy the exclusive right to buy area under the same conditions;
4, safety exit right: because of various reasons stores within the term of the contract is no longer operating, can apply for the transfer, acquisition, safe exit to join;
5, option: join after the expiration of the contract, the franchisee is willing to continue cooperation, according to the headquarters of preferential policies for the new franchise contract;
6, regional protection: in strict accordance with the ideas behind brand development, management of stores, limits the development, the implementation of the regional protection of franchisee.
five brand support
1, product support: the first year "zero inventory" goods risk
2, store support: store decoration supports and props design; window and props design support on a quarterly basis; album advertising design support Quarterly; new product propaganda designed to support large-scale activities, the store; business planning support
Holiday gift design support; professional terminal guidance on display
3, staff support: support the sales manager, fashion design; guide training support
4, promotional support: brand marketing, promotional planning to fully support
5, year end rebate and the reward,以生産鞋與運動服爲主的大型跨國公司。魯道夫·達斯勒于1924年加入了弟弟阿道夫·達斯勒(昵稱阿迪Adi)位于黑措根奧拉赫的達斯勒公司, promote the benign development of the shop
brand protection of the four
1, perfect prior to the opening of market research, market research, to help provide security approach, shop smoothly;
2, strong business support assistant mid shop, shop sales promotion, improve the terminal management, ensure profitable shops;
3, continued opening late assistance, provide all kinds of Sales data effective sharing, sustainable security shop sales promotion;
4, flexible loading band reasonable, clear, timely introduction of additional best-selling models, each shop has adequate protection, a complete goods;
T-YSKJ requirements for you:
1, have good moral cultivation and quality, a good business reputation and brand promotion ability, identification with company culture,制成戰後第壹款運動鞋。, operation concept and management mode, market sensitive and insightful, has the very strong business heart.