2008-11-12 20:53:55塗鴉氏


英文:value-based pricing
中文:相同的產品 (根據其對每個顧客不同的價值),對不同顧客索取不同價格的作法。
例句:What exactly is yield management? Essentially, it's value-based pricing. A product's worth generally varies among different groups of people—business travelers versus vacation travelers, avid baseball fans versus those just looking for something to do on a Tuesday night. By characterizing a group whose members value a product similarly, but differently from other groups, a company can generally establish pricing mechanisms tailored to each customer group's values. (Los Angeles Times,洛杉磯時報) 
英文:vampire state
中文:吸血鬼國家 (被獨裁者或統治階層不斷吸走金錢和資源的國家)。