2008-07-17 11:55:22yc

the Eslite talk

crawling at the corner in eslite gong guan B1 with steve
looking at his sketch, chatting, laughing out loud,
i started to see the path
which led him here in taiwan
which led me become who i am

there is a strong connection
yet i am still so not ready for a relationship
realizing that i will get hurt again if devoting myself to the most onerous thing in the world
i’ve decided to give myself some time to contemplate

is it true that there is a dichotomy between devotion and independence?

actually, i was very surprised that angela,
the seemingly very independent, tough, and most unique girl in steve’s term, cannot live alone at all...anywayz, i feel it’s extremely nice to have a guy like steve who i wholeheartedly enjoy talking to :))

上一篇:ringing in the midnight

下一篇:a beginning