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The 5 Elements: Part V- Performance

This way you’ll get it right as it relates to the executive. Results are similar to bank deposits.”As you start to deliver the various results demanded by all the executives and lower level buyers, your credibility and corporate identity will get stronger. You’ve got to take the credit. If it’s outrageous, it’s your call whether you do it or not. The more you deposit, the more you can withdraw at a later date - i. With this senior level relationship you’ll be able to reap the benefits of having high powered connections.. A key question you’ll have to ask is, “How will you measure the success of this product, service or project?” Listen carefully and probe to be sure you understand what he means by words such as, on-time (what’s on-time mean); or it works (what defines it works); or improves productivity (how much is improves and how do you measure productivity?) It is very important that you let the executive spell out what he means by these performance words.e.

That’s why the interviewing process is so critical. As my old football coach use to say, “I don’t want excuses, I just want results. This article will show how results are very different for the various decision makers on the same project. This is called, “Being associated with the solution.So at this final meeting with the executive ask, “How did we do?” If he says, “Good,” or “Great” or something positive, you are positioned to make a large deposit in your credibility bank account. So be sure you know what it is.Your final step is to insure your success (get associated with the solution) or correct any shortfalls. Or worst yet, the subordinate get’s all the praise. It’s also a good bonding process. preferred vendor status, inside information, competitive advantage, better pricing, etc. However with executives, the results are very individually focused.Now the standard of measure for each person may be very different than what you think a good job entails.sammanfer. Since you’ve established some credibility with your interviewing and getting the order, you should be able to set-up a final meeting to discuss the project.

Delivering results provides the real basis for selling at the executive level. This means you will have a variety of expected results to deliver - a set for each buyer. Not only must the company benefit, but the executive must believe his/her career has been enhanced or protected by doing business with you. People get closer as they work together. Sales managers to presidents wish their sales people could get connected and were schmoozing with the top executives. from you. It enhances credibility and establishes the executive relationship. Then deliver it. And the best way to handle these issues is to ask, “What would you like me to do about it?” Don’t just jump to your solution. Actually you should get agreement to have interim progress meetings with the executives to be sure you’re on the right path to their expectations. Let him or her tell you what s/he would like.

However, your performance at this level will be judged on what it does for the individual executive.And now I invite you to learn more. It is very personal. It enhances credibility and establishes the executive relationship.” And that is exactly what executive decision makers want.As mentioned in Part IV, credibility is tied to delivering results. Anyone could have done it. Everyone knows that “Those with the In, Win”. Corrections and course wholesale gaming Chairs changes are easier before the job is completed. Learn what the executive values and structure your proposition in a way that shows s/he can get it better, faster, with less risk of failure, etc. No matter how good a job you think you did under the most difficult conditions, your results will be judged on his or her measuring stick.”Now if s/he has some negatives to say or just an “OK”, then you have to probe to find out what’s not right. Your definition may be very different than his or her expectations.com.