2003-11-01 07:36:02聖天空

John Robbins 約翰.羅賓斯從冰淇淋王子變成素食主義

John Robbins From ice cream prince to vegetarian activist

You’re heir(1)to an ice cream empire(2)of 31 flavors.(3)In your backyard there is a swimming pool in the shape of an ice cream cone.(4) Ahead of you is a life of comfort. What do you do?

If you’re John Robbins, the only son of Baskin-Robbins founder(5) Irving Robbins, you choose to walk away from that life of great wealth to "pursue(6)the dream of a society [that] respects and lives in harmony(7)with all life forms."(8)

Like most kids, young John loved ice cream. However, he always wondered about its health effects,(9)especially after his uncle Burt Baskin died of heart disease(10)at the age of 54.

Studying at Berkeley in the 1960s, he also became concerned about the environmental(11)damage(12)caused by cattle farming(13)and the inhumane(14)conditions suffered by billions(15)of animals.


He decided to turn his back on(16)the world’s largest ice cream company. He built a one-room log cabin(17)on a little island in Canada in 1969 and lived there for 10 years with his wife Deo. He became a vegetarian and began writing.

His first book, Diet(18)for a New America (1987), sold over 1 million copies. Eloquent(19)and well-documented,(20)it became the bible(21)of the vegetarian movement.

Nowadays, Robbins is known as one of the world’s foremost(22) authorities(23)on diet, health, and the environment.(24)He lectures(25)widely and continues writing out of his solar-powered(26)home in California.