2016-05-02 04:41:33collinf8hmt3

基礎英文會話 英語從頭學下載 外籍老師 anomalistic中文意思是什麼

    一生必學的英文發音規則 聽英文網站家教行情 線上英語會話 補習班數學老師如何自學英文 全民英檢中高級初試全民英檢補習 toeic 學習 tutor class卡通學英文 線上英文聽力英文會話班推薦 ted 英文 外師家教英語會話家教 全民英檢gept英文家教費用行情 多益考試 英文 一對一





adj. 形容詞 1. 異常的,不規則的。

2. 【天文學】近點的。

adv. 動詞 副詞 -cally

英文會話 補習 線上一對一英文

  • In the real - life world, natural scenes always have plenty of surface textures and anomalistic shapes

  • Researching texture mapping and anomalistic raster image be used in virtual reality. moreover getting good visual impression

  • In this thesis, we aim at solving the geometrical representation of some anomalistic objects. we try to combine the realistic representation and real - time control of the virtual natural scenes

  • The results show that there is anomalistic crystal whose size reaches nanometer grade in fine pvc ; the crystal structure is damaged by jet - milling, which induces the melting point of nanocrystal pvc decreases from 210 to 128. the nanocrystal pvc induces the decrease of plasicizing time and equilibrium torque and the increase of maximal torque, which show that the nanocrystal pvc have self - plasticization in pvc composites

    通過sem 、 tem 、 ftir和dsc測試表明:氣流粉碎制得的pvc微粉中具有不規則納米晶體;氣流粉碎破壞了pvc的晶體結構,使納米晶pvc的熔點從210下降到128 ;納米晶pvc使體系塑化時間、平衡轉距的降低、最大轉距升高,具有自增塑作用。
  • The results showed that there was anomalistic crystal whose size reached nanometer grade in fine pvc ; it ' s about 80nm. the crystal structure was damaged by jet - milling, which induced the melting point of nanocrystal pvc decreased from 210 " c to 128 擄 c. the nanocrystal pvc induced the decrease. of plasicizing time and equilibrium torque and the increase of maximal torque, which showed that the nanocrystal pvc had self - plasticization in pvc composites

    通過sem 、 tem 、 ftir和dsc測試表明:氣流粉碎制得的pvc微粉中具有不規則納米晶體,尺寸在80nm左右;氣流粉碎破壞了pvc的晶體結構,使納米晶pvc的熔點從210下降到128 ;納米晶pvc使體系塑化時間、平衡轉距降低、最大轉距升高,具有自增塑作用;納米晶pvc的加入使pvc的沖擊和拉伸強度都有大幅度上升。

    anoint, anolyte, anomalism, anomalistic month, anomalistic year, anomalous

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