2016-05-02 00:44:06collinf8hmt3

臺南英文家教班 英語認證 latent fog中文意思是什麼

    我的外籍老師 全民英檢初級試題台北 英文會話 國小英文教材線上看電影學英文 練習英聽網站 如何自學英語安親班選擇 學英文網 生活英文對話英文自我介紹 線上英文學習lttc全民英檢 學測英文文法英文聽力訓練方法 多益 補習班 台北英語會話家教 全民英檢gept



latent fog中文意思是什麼

latent fog解釋


  • latent: adj. 存在但看不見的;潛伏的;潛在的。n. 隱約的指印,潛指印。adv. -ly
  • fog: n 1 割后再生的草。2 (地上未割的)過冬草,冬季原野上的枯草。3 〈方言〉苔蘚。n 1 霧。2 煙霧,塵霧...

  • Our products cover several tens of varieties such as xylophone series, glockenspiel series, drum series ( bongo drum, conga drum, hall drum, tambourim drum, waist drum, floor tom drum, wave drum, tambourine, frame drum, rattle drum ), maraca, egg shaker, headless tambourine, sand block, shaker, castanet, finger castanet, block series, wooden agogo, clave, triangle, hand bell, sleigh bells, wooden fish, guiro, cabasa, finger cymbal and so on ; to improve craftwork level, our products design aims the requirements from clients and the innovation in varieties ; to satisfy the clients ' requirements on various grades and various batch scales, our manufacture introduces advanced manufacturing process to control the procedure more rationally and guard the products quality more strictly ; to build a popular brand in market, we perseveres in a long term effort on service including that after sale and digs more latent clients ' requirements

    本廠的產品涵蓋打擊琴類(木琴、鐘琴、兒童彩琴) 、鼓類(邦戈鼓、康加鼓、堂鼓、桑巴鼓、腰鼓、地鼓、印地安嗵嗵鼓、海鼓、鈴鼓、手鼓、波浪鼓) 、砂球、砂蛋、鈴圈、砂板、砂筒、響板、舞板、梆子、響筒、響棒、三角鐘、碰鐘、響鈴、木魚、魚蛙、卡巴薩、指鑔等數十個品種;本廠的產品設計立足於滿足客戶需求,不斷創新,追求工藝品質;產品生產嚴把質量關,採取柔性製造工藝,合理控制生產流程,可以滿足客戶不同檔次規格和不同批量規模的產品需求;本廠注重產品的銷售及售後跟蹤服務,深度挖掘客戶潛在需求,力爭樹立優質、完整的市場品牌形象。
  • To be sure, some scientists propose that the supposed andesites are basalts masquerading as such ; a fog of water or acid could react with the minerals to create an andesitelike veneer

  • Knowledge discovery in database is a rather active research domain that involves statistics, database, etc. it is an unusual process that finds out the effective, fresh, latent - effective mode which can be finally apprehensible

    數據庫知識發現( kdd )是涉及統計學、數據庫等學科的一門相當活躍的研究領域,是從數據集中識別出有效的、新穎的、潛在有效的以及最終可理解的模式的非平凡過程。
  • On the night of dec, 1, 1930, a fog moved over a valley in belgium.

  • On this morning of the great snow , perchance , which is still raging and chilling men ' s blood , i bear the muffled tone of their engine bell from out the fog bank of their chilled breath , which announces that the cars are coming , without long delay , notwithstanding the veto of a new england northeast snow - storm , and i behold the plowmen covered with snow and rime , their heads peering , above the mould - board which is turning down other than daisies and the nests of field mice , like bowlders of the sierra nevada , that occupy an outside place in the universe

    在特大風雪的黎明,風雪還在吹刮,凍結著人類的血液呢,我聽到他們的火車頭的被蒙住了的鐘聲,從那道霧? ?的凍結了的呼吸中傳來,宣告列車來了,並未誤點,毫不理睬新英格蘭的東北風雪的否決權,我看到那鏟雪者,全身雪花和冰霜,眼睛直瞅著它的彎形鐵片,而給鐵片翻起來的並不僅僅是雛菊和田鼠洞,還有像內華達山上的巖石,那些在宇宙外表佔了一個位置的一切東西。

    latent fingerprint, latent flux of sea surface evaporated, latent focus, latent form of capital, latent function, latent functionality

    latent fog中文意英文 兒童 英語自學網免費家教網 實用英語思是什麼
      兒童英語會話 英文 單字 學習 英文 補習 推薦師資班 全民英檢中級進修英文課程 找外籍老師臺南英文家教班 英語認證學習英語app 國文 補習線上補習班 英語學習計畫 全美語幼稚園臺南英文家教推薦 全民英檢聽力英語學習雜誌 商用英文課程推薦 免費線上課程情境英語 英文字源學英語會話家教 全民英檢gept
