2002-11-29 04:20:26瘦胖子


10月三十號就要到喬治亞州當兵四個月了,因為新工作的關係,要先到一個地方受訓四個月,乍聽說好像包吃包住還有薪水領,誰知道那四個月是要在那邊好好待著,哪兒都不能去,天啊,I can't even write in Chinese. This is Crazy.
There are so many things I need to write it down.
1. Georgia
2. Bugs
3. Quit Smoking
4. Savannah
5. Classmates
6. Classes
7. Being On Time
8. Dorm
9. Cafeteria
10. Deers
11. Exercising
12. Dating an old guy.....to be countine