2004-03-23 02:20:27瘦胖子

The First Day

On March 20, 2004 at 7:30 pm, I've never felt so humiliating in my life. CBPi Supervisor William Flynn masturbated in the A side JACC room and I was in there. I actually saw his genital organs and I was so shocked and disgussed. When he told me he got really horny after listening to Norma (from Singapore Airlines)talking something and wanted to hide in some corner. I didn't understand at all that he meant he wanted to masturbate. I thought he felt so ashamed about himself so he wanted to hide in somewhere. However, he dared to walk out the corner in the JACC room and showed his genital organ to me. I was so angry. I wanted to scream but I didn't. I was totally shocked and humiliated. I did't understand why did he do that to me, but I knew I wanted him be away from me for good.