2006-04-24 00:16:23Shyo

Go Back

I wanna go back to the days
When I could just call you up
and chat for hours

I wanna go back to the days
When I could tell you anything
and everything in my mind

I wanna go back to the days
When I could just walk up to you
and give you a friendly punch

I wanna go back to the days
When I was just me
and nothing but me

-------------------I’m Just A Dotted line-----------------------

I worry about your safety when you go home
I worry about your health when you work too late
I worry about your stomach when you say you had greasy food
I worry about your wallet when you have to pay for a lot of things
I worry about a lot of things
Because I care

-------------------I’m Just Another Dotted line-----------------

Missing you so ...