2004-11-08 02:08:00low b b

Cross-Country 2004-2005

Today is sunday. Fine weather.

My babe have cross country competition today and i went to cheer for her ar..

i took many photos for her becoz this is her first time participate in this competition ar..so wanna took some photos for memories..hehe...my babe wear No.82 ar

the race is begin and i just wait in the spectator area, listen to the announcement...for the first 2 accouncements, i cant hear my babe's name and i feel a bit worry ar becoz i afraid she is tired and no energy to complete it ( she didnt eat breakfast in this morning)...

but later in the 3rd announcement, i heart abt babe's name la....i was very surpise as well as excited ar...and my heart is thinking abt babe's running action...she must be flying on the road...crazy gar...how come can jump in the steep slope ar...like flying instead of running.....
and finally i can see my babe la...she is very sharp ar...and running from the steep slope to the field...at that moment, babe is in 3rd place...and the 2nd place is just 20 meters faster than her...but my babe didnt give up...she run as fast as she can and just like spinning 100m, she run faster than the IED runner and finally get 2nd place in the competition~~~~~~~~~~~

BABE, congratulation....................