2004-10-07 02:08:00low b b

Hapi Birthday to you

Dear babe,

Hapi Birthday on 5th.......it is ur great day. I am glad that we could spend many hrs together~~~~from 11pm sth to next day 1pm ...
It is very evry hapi for me to be with you at nite. At first, i really thin you will go back and leave me alone............And i really hapi when we first got on the taxi.....but do you rememeber him............gd driving skill, high speed 120"~~~~`wu really ging ar....then we held hands together and i felt that we were facing dangerous together ar...hehe...and have you to share with me is great~~~

plz nite~~~~ ^^
heheh..do u rememeber you sms? Aunt was visiting your bobo.......

next day morning``~we went out and back to school lu`~```
Although i can 't be with you at nite, i missed you much and i guessed you have fun with ur sisters~~~~^^

HApi birthday to you~~~~i wish u all the best...your bo chi ho gum u yau ho la..hehe....ANDwish you have a hapi ending with ur lover la....and can perform well in many aspect..iknwo you can...and i am waiting for you..u know? ADDoil ar`~``

Angel b'

p.s....well...maybe we have some problem becoz of our communication or whatever.....but i really really think we are better within these few days....and i believed i am increasing.....hope u also have to saem feeling la...love u always ....my little babe`~~~~`you are really nice and attractive````