2004-08-20 02:08:00low b b


My dearest babe,

What are u doing now????u asked me to send u sms but....i guess u fall asleep lu.......i can imnage how u r now....really wanan sleep together and giv eu a big and warm hug~~~of coz dolly dolly u la......^^

I am so sori today~~~how r u???U felt not well today.......i should giv eu a gd care instead of saying loudly~~~~~~ >,< i promise i will not treat u so bad...babe babe~~~~~~how the camp last so long gar.....really wanan die ar~~~~miss die me ar~~~~~

oooo........have hard feeling tonite????if u wanna tell him...i can do it...becoz of us...i know u and understand ur characteristic...so i can't be a selfish guy ...and i know u must have a lot of suitors....i trust u~~~~~becoz u are my sweetheart......ALWAYS WANNA DO UR FAVOUR !!!
