2004-08-15 03:07:59low b b


Dearest You,

How are you???i Miss u much and our life will be a bit /big different in the coming Sept.Like what i mention...it is our business and we have a clear mind and no temptation....

heheh..i am watching Olympic now ar.........i am loooking forward to the Beijing 2008 Olympic ar.....we have a promise on it^^

i have called you around 2:55 ar...really wanna hear ur voice ar....but i guess u are veyr tired and chatting with "chow kung " lu................it is a boring day for me..........can't chat with u freely~~~~~(lucky i have some videos: when babe pooh meet babe pooh and my lovely babe ar >,<)

i miss u so i need u so and i love u so~~~~~~~~
