2007-03-26 00:58:41小雲雲

難棄 =.=

不易得來, 難捨棄,



小雲雲 2007-03-30 02:33:23

Dear Vivi,

I agree,
it isn`t all the thing which we can control, that`s true.
But why we can`t choose one way that we have more confidence and ability to go.

Actually I don`t like &quotNot Understand&quot.
I feel that is not safety.
I like that I know what I want.
But I always don`t know what I want : (
That is a problem.

Vivi 2007-03-29 15:43:49

yes,, i totally agree..
As i get something that suppose to get difficultly,i wont give up that.
Because i cant control all the things that i get is perfectly to me; therefore, as i need to stand my true side meanwhile being company with the thing that totally is against me is extremely difficult. Thus, why cant go along the way that i want?

2007-03-29 12:05:27

