2007-02-23 00:09:50closechild
今日好似又继续颓废了吗?哈哈哈~~继续疯癫追随V系.....狂down 补偿我高三 大学的 那叫做还我?
怎么的变得这么快!说多了好像是假的 算了.....告终........
今天去了mucc Dir en grey 的网站一趟 都不知道几耐无去过 哇!看到他们那些碟 什么通常版 初回有n多张 放在网上 我以为他们出了很多碟添.........
down啊 down啊 狂down啊!!!!补偿补偿啊!!fuck!!!!!!!
12012-hide&seek~tour2006~我down左好多日拉 好鬼想看啊!!!
还有继续留了言 你说他会看见吗?
[last night i dream you!!!!]
Hello,,hello hello
I come from China....
Last night i dreamed you.
Ryutaro came my home..and you wear a white shirt .....x x
that’s too difficult for me to say English.....
then i dreamed you have a live
that’s so high!!!!
my web:http://pura36.ik8.com/11-1.html
welcome to my web
i have make a doll named namidachild?
Chinese named LeiTong
it just looks like Ryutaro .
I hope you will like it~
How i can know you have seen it...
will you send message for me ?
that’s....i will be happy
just 幻想......
日文啊!!都无咩机会时间学 英文都无学好
算..................画画去.......x x.......
怎么的变得这么快!说多了好像是假的 算了.....告终........
今天去了mucc Dir en grey 的网站一趟 都不知道几耐无去过 哇!看到他们那些碟 什么通常版 初回有n多张 放在网上 我以为他们出了很多碟添.........
down啊 down啊 狂down啊!!!!补偿补偿啊!!fuck!!!!!!!
12012-hide&seek~tour2006~我down左好多日拉 好鬼想看啊!!!
还有继续留了言 你说他会看见吗?
[last night i dream you!!!!]
Hello,,hello hello
I come from China....
Last night i dreamed you.
Ryutaro came my home..and you wear a white shirt .....x x
that’s too difficult for me to say English.....
then i dreamed you have a live
that’s so high!!!!
my web:http://pura36.ik8.com/11-1.html
welcome to my web
i have make a doll named namidachild?
Chinese named LeiTong
it just looks like Ryutaro .
I hope you will like it~
How i can know you have seen it...
will you send message for me ?
that’s....i will be happy
just 幻想......
日文啊!!都无咩机会时间学 英文都无学好
算..................画画去.......x x.......