2005-06-06 08:50:55clisland

省思雜記 2005/05/02

創造思考教學法 (Creative Thinking)
1. 重點摘要
a. 屬於高層次認知的歷程
b. 運作過程求新求變,脫離慣性思考,以新方式組合知識/探索/嘗試
c. 創造力是認知與情意之結合,多元思考歷程並用之結果
d. 強調無中生有,但須以知識經驗為基礎
e. 是一種目的性行為,以新穎獨特有效為要求
f. 創造性思考可經由教育訓練而予以增強
a. 解凍、規零思考數→暫時忘記過去的經驗,大膽探索可能的方法
b. 腦力激盪法
c. 創造式問題解決思考術 (1)fact-finding (2)problem-finding (3)idea-finding (4)solution-finding (5)acceptance-finding
d. 檢核表(checklist)
e. 屬性列舉法(attribute listing)→針對某一物品列舉其重要部份及特質,逐一考慮有無改革之必要或可能
f. 強迫組合(forced relationship)
g. 型態綜合思考術(morphological synthesis)
h. 分合法(synectics)→ (1)擬人化的推類比擬
i. 自由聯想(free association)
Creative thinking skills use very different approaches to critical thinking skills. They involve a much more relaxed, open, playful approach. This can require some risk-taking. Creative thinking skills involve such approaches as:
• looking for many possible answers rather than one
• allowing yourself to make wild and crazy suggestions as well as those that seem sensible
• not judging ideas early in the process - treat all ideas as if they may contain the seeds of something potentially useful
• allowing yourself to doodle, day-dream or play with a theory or suggestion
• being aware that these approaches necessarily involve making lots of suggestions that are unworkable and may sound silly
• making mistakes
• learning from what has not worked as well as what did

a state of mind
Creative thinking skills are as much about attitude and self-confidence as about talent. Creativity is often less ordered, structured and predictable. As you are not looking for 'one' answer, you are likely to come up with lots of suggestions that are not 'right'. This can be difficult if you are more used to analytical and logical approaches. It can also be experienced as 'risky' as the prospect of making a mistake or not coming up with an answer is more likely.

creativity and emotions
Strong emotional self-management is often needed in order to allow creative thinking states to emerge. It is important to be able to cope with risk, confusion, disorder and feeling that you are not progressing quickly.

creative thinking techniques
There is no limit to ways there are of thinking creatively. Some techniques you can begin with are:
• Brainstorm ideas on one topic onto a large piece of paper: don't edit these. Just write them down.
• Allowing yourself to play with an idea whilst you go for a walk
• Draw or paint a theory on paper.
• Ask the same question at least twenty times and give a different answer each time.
• Combine some of the features of two different objects or ideas to see if you can create several more.
• Change your routine. Do things a different way. Walk a different route to college.
• Let your mind be influenced by new stimuli such as music you do not usually listen to.
• Be open to ideas when they are still new: look for ways of making things work and pushing the idea to its limits.
• Ask questions such as 'what if….?' Or 'supposing….?'.

combine analytical and creative thinking skills
Many important breakthroughs in science and innovation have resulted from:
• Focusing on a subject in a logical, analytical way for some time, thinking through possible solutions.
• Day-dreaming or distracting the mind, but holding the same problem lightly 'at the back of the mind'.
• The answer has often emerged on dreams or day dreams when the innovator was not trying so hard to find the answer. However, the day-dream on its own did not achieve anything.