2005-06-06 08:48:04clisland

省思雜記 2005/04/18

圖文歸納教學法 The Picture-Word Inductive Model (PWIM)
適用於語言學習,例如language course, pronunciation, spelling, reading和writing方面。施用的步驟如下:
a. Select a picture.
b. Have students identify what they see in the picture.
c. Label the picture parts identified.
d. Read/Review the picture-word chart.
e. Have students classify the words into a variety of groups.
f. Read/review the picture-word chart (say, spell and say)
g. Add words to the picture-word chart and to the word banks.
h. Have students think of a title for their picture-word chart.
i. Have students generate a sentence, sentences, or a paragraph directly related to their picture-word chart.
j. Read/review the sentences or paragraphs.
劃,因為除了讓學生從圖片當中學習生字,帶他們逐字逐字唸過 (還可以順便教
音標 ),讓他們分類,最後老師在運用這些生字引導出新的片語跟句子。如果要
已,還要配合音標的教學,一個字一個字帶學生唸過,例如要a-p-p-l-e 迳apple
Choosing Pictures From Teacher Web
1. All about pictures
Pictures with rich content will provide more opportunities for language development. Try to select pictures your students can relate to.
2. Picture size
The larger pictures are better. Try to find pictures that are the size of posters. When you put the picture up on display and the name the objects, actions and emotions evoked by the picture, you want the children to be able to see them.
3. Preserving the picture
When you find a picture that has all of the right attributes for you class, you may want to get it laminated to use again with another group of children.
4. Picture background
When the picture is posted at eye level for the students, make sure you have left enough space around the picture to label the words the children generate. You will be drawing a line from the picture to the word labeled outside of the picture. Be sure to leave enough space to print the words. You may want to record the name of the student who offer the word directly beneath their word. This allows children who can’t read or comprehend a posted word to ask the person who offered the word for more detail.
5. Picture selection
Pictures can be found almost anywhere. Some of the best pictures, most closely related to your students’ interests are photographs. If these are of a good quality, they can be enlarged and laminated. Pictures can also be found on the Internet through a Search Engine. Refine your search to images of high definition, save them to your computer and then print them through a downloadable software program