2010-01-23 22:20:15Claudia

Your chance to perform with Wang Lee Hom

Your chance to perform with Wang Lee Hom
Fri, Jan 22, 2010
AsiaOne News

By Denise Ng

ZON Chan played Somewhere Over The Rainbow on an acoustic guitar, while Tan Share Ler went for a classical number, Schubert's Impromptu, on the piano.

Both of them are taking part in the contest, Brand's Music Changes Lives with Wang Lee Hom, a collaboration between Brand's and Stomp.

Said 17-year-old Zon Chan: "I took part in this competition not for the fame, but in the hope that my music will have an impact. This contest has given me a great boost as a future guitarist."

Hosted on Stomp, Asia's leading citizen-journalism and social networking website, the contest seeks to gives youths aged 13 to 18 years a chance to show off their musical talent, win prizes and perform at singer Wang Lee Hom's showcase.

Fifteen people have submitted their videos for the contest, which opened on Dec 1 last year and will close on Feb 28.

The top eight musicians will be selected through a combination of public voting and scoring by a panel of judges.

From the eight, Wang, 33 will pick the top four musicians who will perform with him at the University Cultural Centre on April 24.

Each winner will also walk away with $3,000 in cash plus $2,000 for musical instruments or music lessons, a $300 Brand's hamper and two pairs of front-row seats to the showcase.

On top of this, the schools of the top four musicians will have $5,000 pledged to their music departments, and receive five pairs of showcase tickets.

MUSIC CHANGES LIVES: International star and Brand's ambassador, Wang Lee Hom, will pick four young musicians to perform with him on April 24.

Brand's believes that every musically gifted teen should be given the opportunity to develop their talent. The company is therefore offering a rare opportunity to young, talented musicians in Singapore.

Wang, a strong supporter of grooming budding talents, said: "This is rare and excellent opportunity for discovery, so send in your videos today!"

If you play an instrument, simply send us a video clip of yourself playing any song from any genre to stomp@stomp.com.sg

For more information on Brand's Music Changes Lives, go to stomp.com.sg
