2008-10-23 19:11:23Miss YOU
I found out that I lost my cell phone somewhere in the office after the lunch break. I was anxious and a bit sad. I went to all the places where I went that morning. I did go up to the coffee shop to have a sip with my dear friend, Jeffrey. I went to the tea room and lady's room. I called to my cell phone no less than 30 times. It rang but no one answered. Tears came out when I was thinking about all the text messages and the memories that I have had with this pink phone. I posted a note on the board, hoping that the one who took my phone would give it back to me.
I was lucky!! Someone did call. He had my phone. Thank you. Thank you. I am so happy to see my little flip phone again!!
公佈欄 |
類別 : | 一般公告 | ||
主旨 : | 我的手機離家出走了 請協助尋找 | ||
建立日期 : | 2008/10/21 | 發文單位 : | XX部 |
受文者 : | 全公司各單位 | 承辦人員 : | 游小乖 |
內容 : |
我的手機於今天早上離家出走了。 它是一隻Panasonic VS2 櫻花機,亮亮的桃紅色貝殼機,手機上面有兩個手機吊飾,一個Hello Kitty的吊飾跟一個粉紅色水晶吊飾,請看到它的同仁協助它回家。 如果有看到它,麻煩送至總部辦公室櫃檯或是打分機1565與游小乖連絡,感謝大家! |
下一篇:新竹好美味 我愛古早味蛋糕