2005-05-06 13:08:15麻薯 PuPpy

Did you miss out on our Iron Cheft Pizza Special?

There are no limitations to our imagination. There are no boundaries to where creativity can take us. There are no rules to create the perfect pizza. An ingredient alone may seem insignificant. Yet, put the toppings together, you have a masterpiece.

It’s not just the taste or the presentation, but the process -- a group of minds working, sharing, and learning together. That’s the masterpiece. Take a look at the mouth-watering pizzas and see how the impossible can be possible with good team effort.

To read more please go to:

It was a fun afternoon. I am very thankful to those who were there and joined us. It was great seeing all of us working together. My group turn out to be ok ^^ we make up stuffs as we go alone and it turn out pretty good.. right? the other groups were great too! We should do this more often! next week is the last week of this school year!! Don’t miss out!! We are going to have afternoon tea as well!! come join us!!

Afternoon Tea this coming Saturday!

Time sure flies and before we know it, it’s the end of the semester already. Do you still remember all the fun classes and outdoor activities that we had throughout the semester? Out of all the classes we’ve had (Living and Life, Softball, Infinite Lifetimes – Return from Tomorrow, Karma -- Explore the Codes of the Universe, Reincarnation -- Infinite Possibilities of Life, Storytelling, Bowling, Our Material World – the Hook and Side Effects, Mother Teresa – Endless Caring, Pizza Iron Chef) which one made the greatest impact on you? This Saturday afternoon, let’s savor delicious fruit tea and taste delicate oatmeal pastries. At this last class, we will share the thoughts we’ve had and the things we’ve learned during the semester. Let’s recollect all the teachings and ideas that may have begun to fade before it is completely forgotten. Also, don’t forget that it is the day before Mother’s Day. So, let’s fill the air with the loving spirit of Mother’s Day by appreciating the selfless love and care that are given to us everyday. Several teachers will share touching stories about their mothers during class. Come to class and take happy memories home to last you all of summer! We look forward to seeing all of you next semester! It’ll be a whole three long months before you can see your classmates again if you don’t come this Saturday! We’ll be waiting for you!



這個禮拜六午后,就讓我們輕啜一口水果茶,輕嚐一片燕麥餅乾,在這最後一堂課裡,聊聊我們曾有的感動和收穫。把有點忘掉但又還沒全部還給老師(guest speaker)的東西給通通找回來。還有還有隔一天就是母親節耶!我們何不在母親節前一天靜靜地想想媽媽對我們無私的付出與關懷。先來醞釀一下母親節的氣氛。屆時將有幾位老師跟大家分享他們跟媽媽的故事喔!透過這堂課,你可以帶回滿滿的喜悅記憶度過暑假,並期待下學期大專班的開課喔!這次你再不來,就要等三個月才能見到我們囉!不見不散!

Our address: 23555 Golden Springs Dr. Suite C, Diamond Bar, CA. 91765


Happy Buddha Birthday

What: 2005 Buddha’s Birthday Party

When: (Sun)5/15/05 10:00am-4:00pm

Where: RosemeadPark

Who: Invite your friends and families to celebrate Buddha’s Birthday!!!