20120623 秀傳醫院 Show Chwan Medical Museum + 福興穀倉Fu-Xing Barn
秀傳醫院是個非常友善的醫院~! 為什麼呢?! 因為裡面一點藥味也沒有,而且讓人有置身於百貨公司的錯覺..
Show Chwan Hospital is a very user-friendly one. There is no smell of medicine inside and it's like being in a department store.
這個超有意思的... 到底誰才是真正的動物呢?!
This is really interesting.. Who is actually being watched?!
There's even a nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer inside the museum.
This is not a monster or dinosaur... It's our digestive tracts.
For collecting stamps and winning the prize, we went to Fu-Xing Barn as well..
Nothing very special that day.
Some joss sticks on the ground..
It's like spreading out a deck of cards...
秀傳醫院 Show Chwan Medical Museum
福興穀倉 Fu-Xing Barn
上一篇:20120623 緞帶王 Ribbon Factory+台灣玻璃館 Taiwan Glass Gallery
下一篇:2012 0623 進昌咖啡JinChang Coffee Shop + 樂活襪子 Loho Socks Factory
There are a lo of medicinal use of cod for children as you can see on http://www.weednews.co/cbd-oil-for-kids/. It also gives information about the quantity and dosage for them.