COP19 / CMP9 : Be the one. Be the change. Out of thinking. Be out there.
COP19 : Taiwan to educate China on air pollution cuts /// Taiwanese Dr. Shin-Cheng Yeh , Environmental Protection Administration Executive Yuan, R.O.C From Warsaw. COP19 UN Climate Change Conference 2013 in November 2013COP19: Taiwan to educate China on air pollution cuts.
COP19 (16/11/13) -- As the second country in the world to classify greenhouse gases as an air pollutant, Shin-Cheng Yeh, Deputy Minister for the Environmental Protection Administration of Taiwan, says his country has a great deal to offer neighbours like China.
Taiwan is in the process of setting emissions standards for the industrial sectors and has set a national target to reduce CO2 back to 2005 levels.
Because of its cultural ties and a similar industrial framework to China, Yeh says Taiwan could help China "skip some steps" when it comes to reducing air pollution.
VIDEO in English (speach) :
BLOG in English :
for reference: — 在 National Stadium,Warsaw
COP19 (16/11/13) -- As the second country in the world to classify greenhouse gases as an air pollutant, Shin-Cheng Yeh, Deputy Minister for the Environmental Protection Administration of Taiwan, says his country has a great deal to offer neighbours like China.
Taiwan is in the process of setting emissions standards for the industrial sectors and has set a national target to reduce CO2 back to 2005 levels.
Because of its cultural ties and a similar industrial framework to China, Yeh says Taiwan could help China "skip some steps" when it comes to reducing air pollution.
BLOG in English :
BLOG in English :
BLOG in English :
* Taiwanese Young man 張良伊 (Mr. Liang-Yi Chang) at TEDxTaipei 2012 : Be the one. Be the Change.
"Taiwan's youth leader of climate change ." & Guardian World Environment dream:
on blog with photos on : and
International Youth Conference (Conference of Youth = COY ) The next day, two young Taiwan held a Open Space Discussion at the meeting , the theme of generations Chancery (Intergenerational Equity).
UN Climate Change TV interview broadcast Taiwanese Dr. SHIH-CHENG YEH
CNA CNA - November 20, 2013 5:14 PM
( Central News Agency reporter Lin Lin Warsaw on the 20th Reuters ) held in Warsaw during the climate change conference visit of the delegation of the United Nations ' Climate Change TV " to " Taiwan is an education in reducing air pollution in China " as its theme , broadcast Republic of China EPA Deputy Director Dr. SHIH-CHENG YEH interview.
" Climate Change TV " (Climate Change TV) The reporter on the 16th visit Dr. SHIH-CHENG YEH , talk about the participation of delegations and Taiwan carbon emissions. Ye Xincheng said that the delegation during the meeting in Warsaw with representatives of other countries in reducing emissions of strategies and measures to cope with climate change to exchange views .
For Taiwan, the relatively high average emissions problem , Taiwanese Dr. SHIH-CHENG YEH instructions, many of Taiwan's production of commodities on the international market, including bicycles and personal computers in the production process of industrial carbon emissions account for about half of Taiwan's total emissions . Apart from the government hopes to actively promote a bill to reduce carbon emissions , Taiwan's heavy industry has been towards a more ecological protection and development .
Conduct interviews with reporters asked : Taiwan and mainland China geographically very close , whether this experience allows mainland China learn from the Department ? Dr. SHIN-CHENG YEH said that Taiwan and mainland China industrial structure similar to that he believes can share relevant information.
He pointed out that cross-strait common in the culture , the residents also been a change in lifestyle , and Taiwan experienced the process of industrial growth , and perhaps Taiwan can share this experience , so that mainland China can reduce air pollution " jump some stage . " 1021120
COP19: Taiwanese Dr. Chung-Ming Liu 柳中明 教授 & Taiwanese Dr. Ying-Shih Hsieh, Environmental Quality Pro
COP19 (18/11/2013) -: Chung-Ming Liu, Retired Professor/Chairman/Managing Director, Environmental Quality Protection Foundation & Ying-Shih Hsieh, Chairman, Environmental Quality Protection Foundation
ON BLOG with photos : : '8 min. & 33 sec.'
video :
Photos on
Video - watching : video:
video -1 :
video -2 :
video -3 :
video -4 :
video -5 :
Environmental Quality Protection Foundation :
video :
English,Tagalog,Korean,international language,French,German "meaningful participation in international forums UNFCCC"
English, Tagalog, Korean, Cebu Wen, international language, French, German of 12/20/2013 "meaningful participation in international forums UNFCCC" activity reports
English, Tagalog, Korean, Cebu Wen, international language, French, German of 12/20/2013 "meaningful participation in international forums UNFCCC" activity reports
賓有 " 寫 抗暖化 關鍵報告 的 作者 : 葉欣誠 教授 (師大環教所所長)",
葉所長 ( 葉老師 ) 有獨到的見解和精闢的分析.
EPA Chief Deputy MINISTER SHIN-CHENG YEH Deputy Director
EPA Chief Deputy Director Shin-Cheng Yeh DEPUTY MINISTER SHIN-CHENG YEH PH. D. Carter voice to the UN climate conference in Taiwan
EPA Chief Deputy MINISTER SHIN-CHENG YEH PH. D. Deputy Director
: 葉欣誠 所長 曾得過獎!
七大綠色大學 RE :海峽兩岸綠色大學研討會:北京清華大學環境學院杜鵬飛院長、北京師範大學地理與遙感學院王民教授、香港浸會大學黃煥忠教授等,說明中國大陸與香港的綠色大學實務最新狀況,精彩可期. 七大綠色大學 :
EPA Chief Deputy Director: Dr. Shin-Cheng Yeh Deputy Director (Environmental P. Ambassadors: Shin-Cheng Yeh teacher).
GREEN UNIVERSITY 七所優秀的"綠色大學" : 海峽兩岸綠色大學研討會
GREEN UNIVERSITY 12152011 的影片.wmv
Green Elephant has also become one of Taiwan's animation circle works
Green University 綠色大學 Videos & 用心愛地球 & 用心做環保,也要用腦做環保!
丹麥環境教育分享(從小美人魚雕像談丹麥公共藝術保存)暨 綠島大象環境教育繪本新書發表會
「綠島大象」5/19 (週六) 遊臺師大有空來找大象玩喔 & 共同合作推廣環境教育&「全國氣候變遷會議-公民咖啡館」
Deputy Minister SC.Y Environmental Protection,Administration
Deputy Director of Environmental Protection Shin-Cheng Yeh: Government Head Shin-Cheng Yeh: strengthening dialogue with civil society, implementation of international experience EPA Deputy Minister, TWN
Name : Prof. Shin-Cheng Yeh
Office_Hour since 101/2/20 onwards, seconded to the EPA as Chief Deputy Director of Environmental Protection Deputy Director Shin-Cheng Yeh:
Government Head Dr. Shin-Cheng Yeh: strengthening dialogue with civil society, implementation of international experience EPA Deputy Minister, TWN
Title: Professor
環保署政務 葉欣誠副署長:政府團長葉欣誠:加強與民間對話,落實執行國際經驗EPA Deputy Minister,TWN
GREEN UNIVERSITY 七所優秀的"綠色大學" : 海峽兩岸綠色大學研討會
GREEN UNIVERSITY 12152011 的影片.wmv
Transfer Post:
RE: Warming key reports Taiwan Faced with global warming the new world of six core key: Dr. Shin-Cheng Yeh
Green University Green University Videos & hard to do with the beloved earth & environmental protection, but also to do with the brain environmentally friendly!
Good things should be good friends to share
Danish environmental education share (from the Little Mermaid statue in Denmark about public art conservation) Green Elephant environmental education picture book cum book launch
"Green Elephant" 5/19 (Sat) free to come visit Taiwan Normal Oh & elephants playing together to promote environmental education & "National Climate Change Conference - Citizens cafe"
Professor Shin-Cheng Yeh's Videos
Environmental Protection Administration Deputy Director: Prof. Shin-Cheng Yeh
Environmental Protection Administration Deputy Director: Prof. Shin-Cheng Yeh
Environmental Protection Administration Deputy Director:Dr. Shin-Cheng Yeh
Environmental Protection Administration Deputy Director: Dr. Shin-Cheng Yeh
Dr. Shin-Cheng Yeh
Environmental Protection Administration Deputy Director: Prof. Shin-Cheng Yeh
Environmental Protection Administration Deputy Director: Prof. Shin-Cheng Yeh
There Professor Shin-Cheng Yeh was "green meritorious teacher award!" Ceremony video & picture: (17 minutes 28 seconds to 17 minutes and 31 seconds)
a). 17 minutes 28 seconds to 17 minutes and 31 seconds: Yes Professor Shin-Cheng Yeh was "green meritorious teacher award!": 2007 11/6: awards ceremony. with song / music (and excellent teacher award is not the same .. .) This has finally found a picture!! but printscreen I always will not be used successfully. copy no less than coming!! ^ _ ^
b). 24 minutes 58 seconds to 25 minutes 02 seconds are: Professor Shin-Cheng Yeh: 2011 5/19.
c). the first 25 minutes 13 seconds - 25 minutes 17 seconds are: Professor Shin-Cheng Yeh: 2012 7/6
EPA 25-year Anniversary Video (supervisor SFAA provide)
EPA Executive Yuan
video: 環保署25年週年回顧影片(監資處提供) #!
EPA 25-year Anniversary Video ~
video: 環保署25年週年回顧影片(監資處提供)
That was my group of five stickers ~!! Each I like!! I spend a lot of time to get!! 4 (Gray) I've selected a ~ is the essence of photos (up sheets) paste!!!
Actually, I like the first (left) more lively. Joe Joe for a long time because of my photos ㄋ ㄟ
But also to the people and do not cover the word and paste birthday cake on TABLE. Changed for a long time and the idea which photos "finalists" selected very carefully .... since I do & self-selected photographs of .... & Ye, deputy ago and go before the TV respondents photo ..... very authoritative and important figures / heavyweight expert is not it!! I gave him a birthday cake photo someone now ㄟ .... I finally know his age the!
Figure 4 = very understanding and very wonderful teacher leaves friends will appreciate my masterpiece composed photo album on the 4th figure!! (Originally also from other more and better teacher leaves multiple photos and then a new set of picture version, But for some reason pause.)
That figure face book is also a bit special. Gather to focus on the face! Boys are welcomed with a palm I have formed the "face of that picture."
(I specifically chose the book goes on teacher works with leaf ring character and his personal experiences to teach Introduction .....); "triple play: Super Special: Due lively decent money and formal synthesis of the orthodox version of a large sheet : Safe movement / movement Jieyou "
4 people = 2 males and 2 females: choosing books: I think there will be no candidate NO.3 BOOK PHOTO: To my surprise it!!!
There is a human face goes very LIKE Oh!
There is a person like 4 No. Fig (gray bottoms ~)
There are 3 people are very LIKE: the first (left) more lively: Many photos photos speckled table goes well. Actually I wanted to do a combination of other ideas photos and movie maker videos., But for some reason paused.
I guess you have before & they would choose the 1st or the 4th photo puzzle: Ring teach life photos .. ha ha, I guessed wrong.
The following diagram star star chart is "Ending" Honesty STAR teacher = Your boss your boss photo-inflicted: do not see is it!
I also have to do DR. Peng Qiming combination chart: depends on FB posted before me, oh.
Young love Number one: lively picture puzzles. (Including his daughter .... excellent) I was also doing other different sheets of miles!
Know for a long time like number four formal rules are included in the Quartet Bureau board of the "classic" living according to! I was also doing other different sheets of miles!. (Including his excellent temperament & Taizuo / Madam, wife. .....)
Secretly say:
Mr. Rong Xiao write:
I have regular contact with the Deputy Director leaves, he is a good teacher
-------------------------------------------------- ---新增留言...
李孟發 / 臺東 綠島
好看的網站 6 photos. 圖文 copy from : 轉貼: 6 photos on Low碳 No C > 李孟發 / 臺東 綠島
我很讚 所以要出國囉!
我問二哥,那時會不會覺得阿發是「肖仔」,二哥回答「不會,他根本就是空ㄟ」不過,搬大象的那群人 , 現在很得意,臺東出了一個阿發和大象,真是了不起!
網拍的東西無其不有,這回,連大象也赫然在列! 啊,說太快,是大象溜滑梯啦!玻璃纖維,20年份,還斷了一隻腳,底標80元。正常人應該不會有興趣下標,阿發如果太理性,今天我們就沒故事可寫了。
孩子的希望大使 大象溜滑梯經過綠島公館國小、綠島國小學童合力彩繪,煥然一新,由海洋的藍色換成有如綠島太陽熱情的橘色,開心的搬新家。活動上了新聞版面,綠島大象成為綠島新地標。如果溜滑梯繼續只當溜滑梯,故事就不好玩了。
********************************************我很讚 所以要出國囉!
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p.s. 又百分百真實的台灣在地故事,更與丹麥的小美人魚作連結,共同為公共藝術和環境教育做出最動人的示範,讓教學不在只是說教,而是讓大朋友、小朋友們親手去作,奮起吧!大象~~~
康軒圖書-綠島大象 video:
一隻被廢棄的大象溜滑梯, 一個為實現保育環境夢想的青年, 他們攜手讓更多人看見, 廢棄物回收再利用的精采歷程。 詳細商品資料
Christine Cheng write : 我也很喜歡繪本中畫的人物和好可愛的小朋友喲! 連校長和阿發都被畫的好像和傳神喲! 連繪本中的各頁顏色都好美好棒好漂亮和溫馨有吸引力栩栩如生和鮮明又柔和喔! 又讓我驚豔一次! 哇~! 是一本有感情有生命力有魅力用心精心畫寫做出的令人讚歎動容驚豔的優良繪本(很棒的讀物 : 有注音更適合小朋友閱讀ㄛ)! 並記錄著使人感動的環保大使 : 守護神 ~ 綠島大象一連串的溫馨故事和點點滴滴及如何完成大家和小朋友 可愛純真的心願!!
我超喜歡綠島大象 logo / mark 標誌, video 上還加上注音喔 和顏色尤其是臉上的紅色愛心ㄋㄟ. 昨天我看完 康軒 TOP945 我又哇了一聲! 也很棒! 又驚豔 SURPRISE 兩次! 那是更詳細導讀. 尤其我聽完那片聲音 CD 片配音員訴說綠島大象的傳奇故事後, 我推薦書迷粉絲們閱讀此兩本. P.S. 丹麥季處長那天送大象的禮物"非常非常非常地美喔~!"
2012年10月12日23:36 · 讚 ·
議題二、Environmental Opportunities
14:40~15:00 講題:How can environmental education play a key role in
COP19: Shin-Cheng Yeh, Environmental Protection Administration Executive Yuan, R.O.C.
RTCC·1,358 部影片 61
EPA 台環保副署長氣候議會演講 行銷台灣
環保署8日表示,副署長葉欣誠(圖)7日應歐洲與發展 中國家議員組成的氣候議會邀請,擔任開幕致詞嘉賓, 介紹台灣綠能科技成果。 (環保署提供)
Sponsor: poison tube at the Environmental Protection Department
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Provided Date: 2009.06.04
Prevention and control of environmental hormones has become one of the environmental issues of the 21st century the most popular. A co-organized by the EPD and the Republic of China Institute of Environmental Analysis, "the fifth environmental hormones and persistent organic pollutants seminar today (4) the Japanese Taiwan University brainstorming conference center Socrates Hall, industry, government and academia hundred people enthusiastic to participate in the discussion. EPD Shihong, Shen Director in his opening remarks said, to strengthen domestic environmental hormones and persistent organic pollutant control, and communicate important issues and conclusions of the 4th Assembly of States Parties of the Stockholm Convention just ended this year to the domestic industry, government, academia and civil units. The seminar invited scholars and experts, Professor Zhang Qingfeng, Ling Yongjian Professor, Professor Ye Xincheng, Professor Chen Jianmin, Professor Ding Wangxian, Dr. Yang Xinan, Dr. JI Kai offer experts to China in the past to study the important results of the investigation of environmental hormones. EPD by The seminar brought together scholars and experts, the industry gathered in one, and Papers, research poster exhibition and exchange of views, etc., to jointly outline the future direction of coping and countermeasures, as policy reference. Environmental hormones (also known as endocrine disrupting substances-endocrine disrupting chemicals) has a role similar to the in vivo hormonal, or may inhibit the normal role of the hormone, thereby changing vivo immune, nervous and endocrine system normal operation; EPA says, our current advertised tube toxic chemicals, 23 chemicals with suspected "environmental hormones" nature, has urged the industry Subjects with "toxic chemicals management law properly operated, considering the trend of international management, continuous review announcement The list of toxic chemicals and tube, such as 2009, bisphenol A and other chemicals into the fourth class of toxic chemicals, currently production industry program in accordance with the law to notice a public hearing to study and meetings, is expected by the end of July announcement. EPA says, should the Stockholm Convention entered into force on May 17, 2004, China has in the July 3, 2008, the Executive Yuan approved the "persistent organic pollutants (POPs) National Implementation Plan of the Stockholm Convention, through the Department of Health, the Council of Agriculture The Ministry of Economic Affairs and the EPD inter-ministerial cooperation and work together to control domestic Persistent Organic Pollutants, especially dioxin control, in addition to the estimate of emissions into the air dioxin (Dioxins) emissions, and the establishment of the emissions inventory since 2001 updated annually, in terms of 2002 as a benchmark, it is estimated that the total dioxin emissions into the atmosphere to 327.5 g I-TEQ, to estimate the total amount of dioxin in 2006, emissions into the atmosphere has been reduced to 88.9 g I-TEQ, reduction effectiveness. EPA will continue with the relevant ministries and inter-ministerial cooperation to implement the management mechanism of persistent organic pollutants, to grasp the situation of the environment pollution logistics cloth to promote pollution control strategies to reduce the risk of environmental pollution, the establishment of a non-toxic living environment, to ensure that people The safety of the food. In addition, with the awareness of environmental issues soaring, the public's right to know no longer be ignored, and the hope that through today's symposium will provide relevant information to the public, let the quality of the environment and citizens' health more protection.
Provide units: the Environmental Protection Department Zongji
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Provided Date: 2007.11.06
EPD on November 6 at the Grand Formosa Regent Taipei held a grand awards ceremony in 1996 to promote environmental protection active schools, teachers and students, and promote active schools and staff in recognition of the environmental work. The EPD Director Shigenobu Chen In order to strengthen the administrative efficiency of the local government, private resources to fully explore, encourage schools to participate, for weekdays enthusiastically promoting the environmental issues and the remarkable performance of schools and staff, particularly the selection shall be commended and arrange an audience with the President, to stimulate the country nationals to participate in environmental protection work. The active school part of the promotion of environmental protection issued, are privileged 5, Excellence in Grade 17 in 15 clinics and schools set the environmental management plan, the implementation of environmental education and promotion of campus life environmental protection, such as: National Chi Nan universities offering environmental general education courses, reducing electricity facilities, enhance building insulation, natural ventilation and lighting equipment, the establishment of a river patrol team operations centers to help patrol team handled volunteers patrol Training, ecological surveys, simple water quality monitoring activities. Kaohsiung, Kaohsiung Girls' High School, for example: rainwater catchment to sink again watering vestibular flowers, to improve the permeable pavement to promote energy-saving measures such as: swimming pool solar equipment, the corridor installation of blinds to avoid direct sunlight, so as to reduce the indoor temperature . Example:, Jian An Guomin Primary School, Taipei County, Three Gorges town, in addition to the full implementation of life environmental, and combined with school-based curriculum development in environmental education , and handle Butterfly months, Firefly Festival diverse creative ecological activities, more alliance with neighboring communities the Hengxi basin river protection jointly promote conservation hometown river. Promote small dark pit fireflies ecological community revitalization through learning and experience in the field, the development of ecological narrator. Teachers part in environmental protection, 3 Premium Excellence 9 8 A-level, they are to promote environmental education in schools, to design environmentally friendly materials, and set a good example to teach students to implement environmentally friendly life Pushing Hands, for example: National Kaohsiung Normal University Ye Xincheng teachers, school environmental education director of the Institute and is also director of the Center of Environmental Education and Health and Safety, long-term concern for the sustainable development of our country, environmental education and protection in the field of international exchange affairs, published many papers, but also with the various types of long-term cooperation of international agencies, handling many international conferences, and with global warming issues, such as environmental education books and compiled to assist the Ministry of Education, disaster prevention, water education module materials have been widely used. For example: Mountain Elementary School, Miaoli County, Liu Jianhuang teachers scheduled integrating education into ecological education materials, as the campus ecological education materials, guiding students on campus "farming park" planting fruits and vegetables, observe campus insects, cultivation of aquatic plants carried aquatic plants teaching, set green energy the column and renewable energy facilities, energy education environmental information handled after the Dragon Coastal Recreation the ecological investigation Camp "curriculum planning and teaching, but also assist the Community Development Association. For example: Tali City, Taichung County, the U.S. group Elementary Jiangzhao Ying teachers themselves art teacher played its visual field of expertise, and the promotion of eco-art teaching through carefully Monday garbage reassembled into a new symbol system to express the position of the real-life learning environment on campus and views; leaves on display in the hallway in passing out of elementary school teachers and students in the United States group expectations changed by the garbage - the morning I saw deciduous but not garbage, while taking advantage of after-school to assist community environmental volunteer teams painted Caohu Creek dike, landscaping, and take the initiative to lead students assist resource recycling, waste separation and community environmental reform take root in a number of environmental activities. Part in environmental protection meritorious students to participate in student clubs or organizations are Premium 3 Excellence 7 5, A-level, they are actively engaged in environmental work, encouraging and assisting teachers to lead students engaged in environmental protection work a good helper, for example: China University of Medical Technology Department of Occupational Safety and Student Affairs Committee is actively involved in the clean rivers and environmentally friendly life environmental action, the establishment of a river patrol team, for the severe pollution of rivers - the Sanye Palace River pollution reaches doing regular water quality monitoring, participation The river patrol Training, water quality monitoring, pollution notification, the implementation of the environmental performance of life, participation and conducting various environmental activities and preparation of environmental propaganda information. For example: National Wuling Senior High volunteer teams, they vow week to spend 15 minutes engaged in volunteer service, this dedication enthusiasm infected every student on campus, is currently a member of the 252 players, known as the domestic largest high school volunteers team, volunteers are usually shuttle Community Campus sweep the streets, picking up trash, often volumes pants into the water guardian the campus near bishopwood Creek. Example: Changhua County the Compass junior high school action service volunteers team by the school environment landscape narrated Navigation campus awareness, to promote a campus environment characteristics per semester handle campus resource recovery advocacy, every Tuesday, handle each class resource recovery in orientation, is responsible for promoting resource recovery message, but also to assist in the clean environment work summer and winter vacations, the establishment of the Compass center of the country language website, Beidou States, in the school magazine, which share resources the recycling promotion of achievements and insights. Chen Director Special thanks to the participating schools, teachers and students associations to pay for the environmental selfless contribution, and hopes to promote environmental forces extending outward to drive around the people involved in environmental action, in order to jointly create a clean, comfortable and harmonious living environment, descendants of generations of long-term survival. Another for encouragement enterprises, organizations, volunteers, schools, teachers and students and representatives of 96 years to promote environmental protection meritorious Premium 25 people, in the afternoon, accompanied by Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) of the Executive Yuan, Chen Chung-hsin audience with President Chen Shui-bian, President Chen Shui-bian in addition face Commendation winning unit and personal expectations of winning units or personnel, promote environmentally friendly seed to expand more to do to preserve the sustainability of the Earth for the Prevention of Cruelty to Taiwan.
Yale University and Columbia University, and the World Economic Forum on January 23, 2005 Environmental Sustainability Index "countries do appraisals
Sponsor: Environmental Protection Agency Science and Technology Advisory chamber
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Provided Date: 2005.01.25
1.23 U.S. media reports of Yale University and Columbia University, and published by the World Economic Forum published the 2005 Environmental Sustainability Index (Environmental Sustainability Index), the index is 20 core indicators (subdivided into 75 the small indicators), to 146 countries in the world to do the appraisal, the top few for Finland, Norway, Uruguay, Sweden, Iceland, Canada and other countries; Taiwan is listed in the countdown national ranks. 2 Department check the information of the "Environmental Sustainability Index" website, the 2005 data not yet published, the subject to be investigated in 2001 and 2002 competitions indicator data and calculations, the two times in Taiwan were not included in the appraisal 3 of the 2005 Department of to do national competitions. 2002, 142 national competitions, calculated indicators are divided into five major items under 20 items, subdivided the 70 indicators (see annex). 5 indicators were environment system (including air, water, biodiversity, land), to reduce the pressure (to reduce the preceding paragraph pollution), and to reduce the health damage (including the basis of health status and environmental sanitation projects), social and institutional response to ( including science and technology, environmental management, civil respond, eco-efficiency), and international participation. Kaohsiung Normal University Professor Ye Xincheng 2 years ago, Taiwan has put into the system in 2002 to do the calculation, the result is a 119 (slightly better in Belgium 125, South Korea 135, desert in Saudi Arab, 138), reported in the media, has aroused attention by the EPA invited Professor Ye seminar, Taiwan can not participate in a United Nations-led environmental Convention on International Affairs, International participation in the can not score, and the other due to the densely populated Taiwan environmental burden, therefore, ranking in the rear section (the appraisal top 10 who are in countries with low population density). If Taiwan can break through the international reality to officially participate in the United Nations environmental conventions, its ranking may wish to upgrade to the considerable 78. The foreign media has just released details about the 2005 Department is contact made, except from information reported by the international media, and calculate the index in 2005, compared with 2002, "international participation" major items of our country is still hard to score. National Council for Sustainable Development was completed in 2003 PSR system (pressure, current status, and response), "Taiwan's sustainable development indicator system", and published annually in the index calculation results of the previous year, and made up to 1988 (Environmental The Department was established the following year) for the base year of trend. Nearly 10 years in terms of environmental pollution, air pollution indicators PSI value and waste resource recovery rate two indicators are rising (toward sustainability), but mild or less contaminated river ratio and reservoir quality two indicators flat carbon dioxide emissions sustainable degrees fell. In addition, system response to sustainability degrees, Ecolabelling applicable amount, the level of cooperation of the government and private environmental groups, sewage treatment rate, formulation of banned or severely restricted the number of chemicals used four indicators rise (toward sustainability), the environment Impact Assessment (EIA) the proportion of cases in B flat (as attachment). EPD in international competitions for the 2005 Environmental Sustainability Index "details (including the indicators, calculation and league tables) will humbly review and analyze, as a future policy reference and consultation ministries will be continuing efforts to implement to promote national sustainable development action plan, and the pursuit of sustainable development of the environment.
2009.03.26 Topic: Holiday travel does not have to go abroad! ? Taiwan riparian let you play to have fun! ? Guests: Chou Hsi-wei, Zheng are reached of Cui Zuxi, Ye Xincheng, Chen Shou Lu
Yexin Cheng Ye Xincheng
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EPA Chief Deputy Director Ye Xincheng Deputy Director spoke
20,120,906 "Earth's testimony REVIEW" Earth _ from the air to feed the six billion people (under) (24:01)
National Assembly: the shaking strong earthquakes in New Zealand (3/4) 20,110,228 (11:03)
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National Assembly: shaking strong earthquakes in New Zealand (4/4) 20110228
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By Christine Cherng added 2 videos to a playlist 7 hours ago
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Cute Baby
20120927 tonight micro-movies: from "micro laugh Jojo" the asperity will release Hello! XD (1:57)
First introduced in the "children" learned at school, and then ... (1/2) Queer (1:49)
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By Christine Cherng liked and added to the Cute Baby 7 hours ago
I want you to sing a funny song (Queer 2/2)
ciaociaorose • 2,062,482 views
i need u to sing a funny song for me, then i will forgive u ...
The the surface white い song u ta っ て ku れ tara promise し て thou げ ru ...
I want you to sing for me a funny song and I will forgive you ...
Welcome to visit the blog: http://shamusshoot.pixnet.n ... ...
By Christine Cherng and 4,776 others liked 7 hours ago
The first introduced learned in school, "children", then ... (Queer 1/2)
ciaociaorose • 1,584,894 views
Children, is so cute. For example: Gingerbread Man child, toilet paper, children ...
Welcome to the blog: http://shamusshoot.pixnet.n ...
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By Christine Cherng liked 14 hours ago
The Earth's testimony (REVIEW) 20120209 To see the Earth from the air - to feed six billion people (under)
sterbm1 • 59 views
By Christine Cherng added 1 video to a playlist 15 hours ago
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Environmental videos
The Earth's testimony (REVIEW) 20120112 To see the Earth from the air - to defend Water Resources (the) (24:01)
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By Christine Cherng liked 15 hours ago
The Earth's testimony (REVIEW) 20120112 To see the Earth from the air - to defend water resources (under)
sterbm1 • 108 views
By Christine Cherng liked 16 hours ago
20,120,906 Earth's testimony REVIEW "from the air to feed the six billion people of Earth _ (below)
sterbm1 • 16 views
, 9/6, 9/5 (c) (d) "Earth's testimony will be broadcast on the upper and lower sets of" feed six billion people "from the film we saw intensive agriculture and animal husbandry, environmental pollution, persecution of livestock and human health damage, we can change this situation? Humans for food and survival, but when eating out ask questions, we can do what? farmer feed the key figure of six billion people, over 2/3 of the farmer can not feed from the already ...
By Christine Cherng added 2 videos to a playlist 17 hours ago
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Ye Xincheng Rio +20
The the 20,121,017 public television evening news sixth naphtha cracker plant expansion case first trial ring corporation approved ring Department violated commitments (1:31)
ICLEI the Kaohsiung environment sustainable development training center opening Chen Chu hope for a green model city (2:11)
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Christine Cherng liked and added to the Good movies 19 hours ago
8th European Film Festival The 8th Taiwan European Film Festival
TEFFTEFF8 • 108 views
European Film Festival Film Festival is co-sponsored by the European Economic and Trade Office (European Economic and Trade Office) INFINE invited the Member States of the European Union every year in Taiwan support response through EU Recommended popular videos, so that the people of Taiwan more understanding of European culture, art , political and economic, cultural and other.
The past, most of the European Film gives a sense of the arts, a small minority, however, ...
By Christine Cherng liked and added to Taiwanあri the gaとう! Taiwan Thank you! 19 hours ago
Hotline tracking 2012-11-05 pt.1 / 5 Donggang Ying Wang boats quarter
ttv • 1,503 views
Hotline tracking 2012-11-05 pt.1 / 5 Donggang Ying Wang boats quarter
Christine Cherng liked and added to 2 playlists 19 Hours ago
Hotline tracking 2012-11-05 pt.2 / 5 Donggang Ying Wang boats quarter
ttv • 393 views
Hotline tracking 2012-11-05 pt.2 / 5 Donggang Ying Wang boats quarter
By Christine Cherng added 3 videos to a playlist 2 days ago
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nature misic video with bird's song
Beyond - a brighter future (Instrumental / Instrumental) (5:23)
Nature music the Nature music - Morning Song (forest the Rhapsody) Morning song (forest Rhapsody) (5:43)
Bandari (Bandari) [20 Deals] super nice of Listening. Mp4 (7:06)
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By Christine Cherng liked and added to the the nature Misic video with the bird's song 2 days ago
Easy Listening - warm nights
tyy530 • 61,715 views
Christine Cherng liked and added to her good song 2 days ago
Teresa - breeze drizzle
jamestannn • 43,698 views
Teresa - breeze drizzle
Lin Gongxin lyrics
Teresa Teng Concert
Breeze blowing clouds
The drizzle long falling earth
To Lin Zhao me Linzhuo You
The leaching world poetic
Breeze and accompanied by drizzle
Like me, accompanied by lovely
Looked at me and look at you
See how beautiful this world
Ah I would like to wind and rain
Ah breeze is the best in the drizzle
Walk through the green grass
The grass also gently whisper
To tell endless Honey language
Total looking
Br ...
By Christine Cherng liked and added to the the nature Misic video with the bird's song 2 days ago
Easy Listening - Minuet Minuet
tyy530 • 9,262 views
By Christine Cherng liked and added to the the nature Misic video with the bird's song 2 days ago
Easy Listening - fog forest
tyy530 • 367,693 views
By Christine Cherng liked and added to the Good movies 4 days ago
Three fool 3 Idiots (Chinese subtitles)
Justing Wu • 826,882 views
Turn on the subtitles, please point play frame lower right gear graphic on the left of the box "subtitle" sense of Xie!
The film as directed by the winner of the Oscar for best director in India拉吉库玛希Rani Rajkumar Hirani, adapted from India's best-selling book "Five Point Someone", starring popular Bollywood King Amitabh Samarkand Following the hearts of the small stars again to explore the nature of education dance inspirational film.
By Christine Cherng added 1 video to a playlist 4 days ago
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Li Ruqing teacher works videos
Public television-independent commissioner "in the cross (28:03)
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The by Christine Cherng liked and added to the Li Ruqing teacher works videos 4 days ago
20100711-1 witness the vitality of Taiwanese "in cross 50 years
moyatseng • 556 views
The theme story: the Central Cross-Island 50 years]
The Central Cross-Island Highway started on July 7, 1956, and formally pass the car on May 9, 1960 , and lasted three years, more than nine months, the cost of new
Peng Qiming, Song Yingjie 11/21 (c) of the people on both sides meteorological chatting
Cross-strait meteorological the people chatting
people from the mainland known as "meteorological Mr. Song Yingjie.
He is the continent's first TV weather anchor. Until now, the Song Yingjie meteorological professional achievements, still subject to a high degree of respect and affirmation.
Own broadcast and presided over the work, Song Yingjie said: "I used to look at their own programs to the vision of a picky tricky, so I often have an initial sense of always walking on the road, and constantly strive to enhance space X. Over the past few years, the only comfort this career is that he had never slack off. "simple sentence clearly outline this weather experts, the reason why to have such a high popularity.
Song Yingjie is an emotional anchor of both professionalism and Humanities, humorous and knowledgeable, Song Yingjie himself said that, although the continent in recent years active opening, but in the broadcast presentation, or do not see much progress, As for himself countless interesting experience,
two are the meteorological community focus of much attention, they can drive the industry's future operating strategy for the words and deeds of the weather observant. Across the Taiwan Strait, the two sides have different customs, cultures and meteorological differences, let us work together to listen to the meteorological Daren What are the differences at the two sides of life and weather. 11/21 Wednesday night, we invite you to listen to a meditation seminars.
about 環保省思.......
The Story of Stuff 系列第一集 我們擁有越來越多的物質,生活卻越來越不快樂? 究竟是什麼束縛了我們的生活? 是誰為了一己之利而罔顧社會公義? 一起來看看「東西的故事」。 影片來源 中英字幕:TaiwanFighting (Youtuber) *註:storyof...