2008-03-16 20:22:46克理斯 在 Internet!
在系統介接上的一個參考文獻.(SOA 四項原則)
A Guide to Developing and Running Connected Systems with Indigo 是引用自 MSND 的網址 ( http://msdn2.microsoft.com/zh-tw/magazine/cc164026(en-us).aspx ) 而來的, 這一篇文章是在說明一個 SO (service oriented ) 的設計方法中的支援態樣, 許多豐富的資源(支援) 已經開發出來 , 並且採用了不同以往的傳統的OO( Object Oriented) 方法去實踐和操作。
在文章中的Service-orientation Fundamentals , 舉出 OO 的設計方法和 Service Oriented 的設計方法上的不同點。 文中要義如下: Object-oriented development focuses on applications that are built from interdependent class libraries. Service-oriented development focuses on systems that are built from a set of autonomous services. This difference has a profound impact on the assumptions one makes about the development experience.
另外,作者在文中提出了 SOA 的四項設計原則 (Service-oriented development is based on the four fundamental ):
1. Boundaries are explicit
2. Services are autonomous
3. Services share schema and contract, not class
4. Service compatibility is determined based on policy
相關文章的作者是 MS .net 的作者.Don Box is an architect on the Indigo project at Microsoft, working on next generation Web Service protocols and plumbing. His interests include type systems for XML and Web Services, metadata, discovery, and service-oriented software integration. Don’s work with Web Services began in 1998 as one of the original authors of the SOAP specification. Don’s latest book is Essential .NET Volume 1: The Common Language Runtime (Addison-Wesley, 2002).
在文章中的Service-orientation Fundamentals , 舉出 OO 的設計方法和 Service Oriented 的設計方法上的不同點。 文中要義如下: Object-oriented development focuses on applications that are built from interdependent class libraries. Service-oriented development focuses on systems that are built from a set of autonomous services. This difference has a profound impact on the assumptions one makes about the development experience.
另外,作者在文中提出了 SOA 的四項設計原則 (Service-oriented development is based on the four fundamental ):
1. Boundaries are explicit
2. Services are autonomous
3. Services share schema and contract, not class
4. Service compatibility is determined based on policy
相關文章的作者是 MS .net 的作者.Don Box is an architect on the Indigo project at Microsoft, working on next generation Web Service protocols and plumbing. His interests include type systems for XML and Web Services, metadata, discovery, and service-oriented software integration. Don’s work with Web Services began in 1998 as one of the original authors of the SOAP specification. Don’s latest book is Essential .NET Volume 1: The Common Language Runtime (Addison-Wesley, 2002).