2007-07-08 15:15:37高姐姐
犹记得当初要设计今年的班服时,对于背后的韩文很有意见.但是”创作人”又有他/她们的见解,说什么那是”完美的我们”的意思.问他们韩文如何念时,他们又念不出. 最后还是我让步了.为的是尊重”创作精神”,为的是既然放手让他们去做,就不要干涉太多, 反正也没有违背什么东东. (虽然我还是对这句韩文唸不出韩语来有点耿耿于怀.)
昨天我和几位同事一起到Subang去吃”蒙古烤肉”, 有缘见到老板,他是到到地地的韩国人, 刚好我和沈丽珍老师穿着三红的班服,背后就是那五个韩国字, 我就捉着这千载难逢的机会.向他请教是什么意思.
Lai: ”Excuse me. Are you a Korean?”
Boss: ”Yes.”
Lai: ”Very good. May I ask you something?
Boss: ”Yes?”
Lai: ”Can you please tell me the meaning of these words?”
Boss: ”Oh! It means flawness, no mistake.”
Lai: ”Perfect?”
Boss: ” Yes, Perfect!”
Lai: ”So, you mean, they are good words?”
Boss: ”Yes, very good words.”
Lai: ”Can you teach me how to say these words in Korean
Boss: ” First, ”wan”, second ”buek”, next ”han” , then ”woo”
finally ”ri” --- ” wan buek han woo ri”
Lai: ”Thank you very much, You are very helpful.”
Boss: ” You are welcome.”
你们看, 不耻下问的好处就在此. 答案终于出来了. 临走前我还称赞了他几句:-
Lai: ”Your food is very nice and your restaurant is very
comfortable and have nice decoration. I will come back
again and introduce your restaurant to my friends.’
请记住: 完美的我们 是 ” WAN BUEK HAN WOO RI”
昨天我和几位同事一起到Subang去吃”蒙古烤肉”, 有缘见到老板,他是到到地地的韩国人, 刚好我和沈丽珍老师穿着三红的班服,背后就是那五个韩国字, 我就捉着这千载难逢的机会.向他请教是什么意思.
Lai: ”Excuse me. Are you a Korean?”
Boss: ”Yes.”
Lai: ”Very good. May I ask you something?
Boss: ”Yes?”
Lai: ”Can you please tell me the meaning of these words?”
Boss: ”Oh! It means flawness, no mistake.”
Lai: ”Perfect?”
Boss: ” Yes, Perfect!”
Lai: ”So, you mean, they are good words?”
Boss: ”Yes, very good words.”
Lai: ”Can you teach me how to say these words in Korean
Boss: ” First, ”wan”, second ”buek”, next ”han” , then ”woo”
finally ”ri” --- ” wan buek han woo ri”
Lai: ”Thank you very much, You are very helpful.”
Boss: ” You are welcome.”
你们看, 不耻下问的好处就在此. 答案终于出来了. 临走前我还称赞了他几句:-
Lai: ”Your food is very nice and your restaurant is very
comfortable and have nice decoration. I will come back
again and introduce your restaurant to my friends.’
请记住: 完美的我们 是 ” WAN BUEK HAN WOO RI”
2007-07-12 18:44:44
123: 这叫有缘千里来相会.