2005-01-05 15:10:49尚未設定

The purpose driven life

Thanks God for the days I have passed though.
When I look back my diary, I find that I used to concern too much on love affrair.
Although I strongly demand God to solve the problem, i still lose.
I used to ask myself several times that "what is love?"
Someone have told me that love is like a series of feeling`s syndoms.
Someone have told me that the one who give you the moment of spark.
Someone have told me that this is the matter of timeing.
I try to conclude that love is something which is unpredictable and nonsence.

Right now, thanks Gods that I am going to know what is love.
Love in this world cannot ganrantee that you always feel sweet in love.
Feeling should not be the purpose of love. Feeling is the by-product.
On the other hands, love is very similar with trust.
No matter how worse of the situation and how sad in the feeling, you have to eager to believe.
Love is: bears all things, believes all things, hope all things, endures allthings.(corinthians 13:7)
It`s also seem nonsence. haha~~
But it`s seem quite true.

Love should made you grow up.
Love will not always be the matter of two peoples. The boundry is too small. Who can enlarge the boundry and boarden our view?
I think only God have this ability.

Right now, I have totally pass though from the past. Thanks God so much!!
The grifts from God is amazing.
How do people know that I can still gain a lot from a worse experience?
The one who does not love me but I still learn how to love from God.
I used to concern too much on love affrair. However, God enrich my life that there are something more than romantic love.

God I know you protect my heart. I understand my heart will not be closed because of the past. I have to learn listen to your voice, instead of the others.