2009-06-04 23:47:08Cheryl

BOOK: Explore your own values

I've graduated from college for almost one year. In this year, I'm trying to adjust myself to the workplace and this society. I'm still learning and finding what I really want to do in my lifetime. In my viewpoint, the value you hold on to will influence you and the rest of your lifetime. I want to read this book as soon as possible because I don't want to regret for any reason.

During this year, I find I'm not such a person whose life aim is seeking money. On the contrary, I prefer spirit improvement. I believe reading can rise people's spirit and mental state. This is much crucial than moeny. However, life is cruel. You cannot stand without money, so you still have to fight for them. Now I don't think fighting for money is any wrong or nasty thing. The point is the process you make. You can do something bad to get the moeny, such as stealing, tricking, and lying. You also can choose something not to amuse and light your enthusiasm, such a boring work, which is barely done for life. Or you can go for something you really love and enjoy the work. I want to choose the third.

Recently, I start to get my books back and calm myself down to read some useful books. Something will assist me finding my ways. I wish the next year I could get something which is worth to spend my lifetime seeking to.