2009-05-27 19:50:16Cheryl


 I hate those greedy people, who still believes they're on the right side and keeps offending you. How come they are so proud of themselves and trust their ability. Why do they believe they have such a power to judge your thought. They think they definitely have the powerand tell you that how shame of your behavior. If you don't do that for them, they will tell you such things. I HATTTTTEEEE THAT. They even have the authority to judge you whether you're right or wrong, just depends on their thought. You should do what they've done. You should follow their steps. You should have the same idea as theirs. You should stand on their side as you're grouped. You should  flatter them and do what they want and never disobey their point. I cannot stand that.


Who are you? What are you supposed to be? You're nothing, nothing more but a normal person. Do you think you were the just god? No, of course you're not. You like to stir up trouble; you like to tell something unbelievable that you never let your child to do so. But you're willing to let other's to support you and even done as your thought. Perhaps sometimes you're kidding. You think that's funny. But I really questioned: are there anything reason or purpose behind your words? You know the man done such things must be a crazy guy, but you keep going to persuade me. You like to bring disgrace on your own head, but you don't let anybody to tell what you really are.

I start to flashback what her children done, that must have its reason. Her children will keep asking for candy, food, or anything she like, and never stop. Why? Where does she learn it? Of course learn from their parents, but she didn't understand that...

God, I'm so sorry about myself.


Be of the same mind toward one another. Do not set your mind on high things, but associate with the humble. Do not be wise in your own opinion.

You're full of sin, you don't have the quality to judge others.