2009-05-12 18:46:49Cheryl

<< Cheryl’s Shop >> 招財麒麟獅(未上色)


招財麒麟獅(未上色) 單隻試賣價$250 兩隻好運價$500(免運費)




* 麒麟公母成對 招財之神獸

* 製作材料以石膏灌模獅面 自產絲瓜布為身 造型可愛 獨具特色

* 上色材料以廣告顏料尤佳 水彩亦可 上色後噴上透明亮光漆保持光亮色澤

* 依個人創意 塗鴨彩繪 大人與小孩一同彩繪 增加親子互動 共享天倫之樂

~可直立於桌面 方便擺放喔~



現在來店單筆消費滿$200元(不含運費) 即贈精美明信片一套


Cheryl's Shop: http://class.ruten.com.tw/user/index00.php?c=&m=&o=&p=&s=cherylertw



Welcome to Cheryl's Shop!!

DIY item: Handcrafted Lion-faced Kylin For Sell

Chinese legend animal, Kylin, in couples appears on the planet. According to the legend, they’re a symbol of luck, which help you earn a big fortune.

Our product is made by land plaster and dried sponge cucumber. Using acrylic to paint the Kylin is appropriate; after finishing your painting, varnish your work to maintain it brightness.

Each Handcrafted Lion-faced Kylin is $250 TWD (Shipping: $50 TWD); Two of them are $500TWD (Shipping: $0 TWD) !!

Don’t hesitate. Now click the bid button and get this great item!!