2009-05-10 22:40:26Cheryl

A good article:在職場,別聊太多私生活細節

This article is posted at Zen's blog. I've read several of his articles, and most of them are very useful. This one, particularly, touched me a lot. I graduated from college last year, and luckily found an "all-right" job. Basically, my payment is not bad, my colleague are all right, and most importantly, the task is not stressed. But there's a problem: my colleague like to ask me to share my private life experience. She said, daily routine makes them boring. They want to know something new and other's life experience.

I don't like to share my daily life to them. Not at all. They like to listen to my experinece and instruct me not to do this, not to do that, and should do what they believe. They really want to change me to what they like.  They also want to change my perspective. I really HATE that kind of behavior.

I really believe that everyone should respect others' perspective. It's impossible to make anyone else's perspective be exactly the same as yours. They do think this kind of behavior is the way to regard, to help you to do the right thing. Oh my gosh, WHY ARE THEY SO PROUD OF THEMSELVES? They even cannot make their children in the same way as theirs. How come they can imagine to change mine?

Why? Tell me... who can tell me??