2014-09-26 02:28:57土伯

Fujian University student volunteers "countryside"


2014 On 09 May 22 May 11:19

Source: Phoenix Fujian

Fujian University student volunteers, "officials" social practice

The province's historic, cultural diversity, leaving a lot of bearing "nostalgia" of historic buildings, special buildings and historic character area in the course of urban and rural construction. With the acceleration of economic globalization and modernization, the province of historic buildings, special buildings, historic look of district and preservation of the environment has not been fully recognized and effectively protected, and some buildings suffered damage and disappear. Therefore, the timely conduct of the province of historic buildings, special buildings, historic look of district census, the strengthening of historic buildings, special buildings, historic look of area protection, to keep "Nostalgia" is important, both to study and formulate the basis of relevant policies and measures, as well as strengthen the historical and cultural preservation of important initiatives.

According to the central work conference urbanization and economic work conference spirit of our province, for the investigation to find out the history of the province's buildings, special buildings, historic look of district status quo, strengthen historic buildings, special buildings, historic look of area protection, historical and cultural heritage, to preserve the historical memory , highlighting the geographical characteristics, the provincial Housing Department and the Provincial Department of Culture, carried out jointly by the province's historic buildings, special buildings, historic look of district census activities. Organized by Xiamen University, Fuzhou University, Fujian University of Technology, Huaqiao University, Xiamen Institute of Technology has six professional colleges of Architecture participate in this event.

   Colleges and universities who combine their teaching activities by professional teachers lead students to go down to every township in Fujian Province, and even some villages, historic buildings and carry out the census style area. Fujian University of Technology has organized more than 20 professional teachers, more than 60 students, college students use the summer countryside opportunity, braving the scorching sun, Fuzhou, Ningde two cities, 282 towns streets, more than four thousand rural communities were interviewed to obtain fruitful results.

Volunteers are college students visited the survey

Activities, the cultural center in the village chief's leadership, our historic buildings, special buildings, historic look zones were visited investigation. After careful investigation, we survey results and cultural centers offer carefully fill the historic buildings, architectural features and historic character questionnaire district questionnaire. Activities in the process, we found that many of the county is focusing on preservation and restoration of historic buildings, special buildings and the establishment of the historic look of areas, such as Song Town Yongtai County, Fuzhou City, the town is on the existing historic buildings, special buildings for protection and repair and hired well-known planning and design team from Taiwan township rational planning and conservation, in order to build "China's most beautiful countryside." In addition, some county due to the need to make some historical relics has been damaged or no longer exist, such as red tin Township Yongtai County, Fuzhou City, due to the completion of the dam makes several centuries of historic buildings long buried under water, although some of Heritage migration ashore, but some still can not be saved, which we deeply regrettable. The census activities, not only visited three general survey reported before ancient historic buildings, also collected detailed information outside the historic building, features a number of office buildings and other buildings. After detailed investigation and verification, symbiotic situation became hundreds of copies of the census form are not building on the S & P data, as well as bringing together three general reporting detailed summary of the survey of buildings and architecture, these data include Fuzhou, Ningde two City, the county all existing historic buildings, special buildings.

Volunteers are college students visited the survey

Nearly two months gives us a deeper understanding of the building. The rapid development since the reform and opening up the economy, making the original has been destroyed dilapidated houses have been behind the contemporary needs of people, this time from within the heart of the people on this old house had a bad feeling. Immediately following the footsteps of the era, many people chose to building the original house burned to the ground and then covered with the new contemporary fashion. The historic building features architecture is a product of history and culture, is a milestone in the history of changes. Today's society in order to develop and massive construction projects, which are a threat to these ancient buildings, making it subject to damage or even destroy disappear into history memory. Because this phenomenon is so serious that we have to take action, to understand the protection of these ancient buildings, in order to protect our historical and cultural heritage contribute modest!

No less than the ocean sea, a rare glowing pearl. Our insistence and hard work, not only let us know the status of Fuzhou, Ningde cities of the township building and historic buildings, architectural features, historical features area, but also for the late provincial Housing Department and the Department of Culture were provided rich material heritage. Activities not only help to deepen understanding of cultural characteristics of each region, feel the beauty of the countryside and urban planning and architectural charm, but also further enhance the ability of players to integrate theory with practice, and for the further protection of historic buildings, special buildings, historic look of district contribute.

