2006-03-28 02:11:35char~
萬水千山總是 .情.
柔情似水 愛共永
Tedious and meaningless cry...........
Define what do you mean by ’qualified’..........
Tedious and meaningless lies.......
Feelin’ lonely feelin’ tired..........
For u dun believe anyone anyhow would step into yr own tide........
Tedious and meaningless hi........
do i needa certificate for that behind..........
Tedious and meaningless mine......
it hurts!
it does hurt!!!
Tedious and meaningless.....
Tedious and meaningless.....
Even when you actuli did nothing at all~
selfish human.
selfish mine.......
First hurt someone else.............
then hurt someone else’s someone else.................
until u hurt everyone in the whole world.......................
My love My Fate...u’ll sail away............
No one can do my pray..........
Hope u’ll be okay.......................