2006-10-24 13:38:52查理布朗

I hate 共匪


想著跟阿薰的事情 想到昨天晚上失眠

今早手機又聽音樂聽到沒電 沒有鬧鐘 睡到九點

來公司後 電郵又不能用 媽的 一堆信件等著處理


表裡不一 說話猖狂比大聲



我的離開 應該對那個人來說很愉悅吧

除掉眼中釘 拔掉對自己地位有威脅的人

對他們共產思想來說 用鬥爭來獲取權位金錢

共匪就是共匪 惹人厭的死共匪大陸人!!!!

老子要回台灣啦 遠離這些低俗的西涼野蠻人


下一篇:letter to my FION

? 2007-10-30 01:20:57

oh~calm down man~

i don`t know why u hate chinese so much, but i think even someone did sth bad to u, u shouldn`t hate the whole country~right?

by the way, i`m just someone who can read chinese but can`t write n speak,(just start learning chinese), anyway, some of my chinese friends they r nice n friendly, i think u should try to look at different sides of people~