2009-08-29 12:36:05AUPO

抗流感剋星-隨身微型空氣淨化器 Fresh Air Buddy

美國原裝進口抗H1N1流感病毒剋星-隨身微型空氣淨化器 Fresh Air Buddy 



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您只要輕鬆掛於胸前,隨身微型空氣淨化器 Fresh Air Buddy 隨時提供您清新安全的空氣品質,降低您個人呼吸區四周的漂浮微粒密度,(如黴菌,病毒,細菌,過敏原..等等),進而降低吸入這些微塵的可能,當然就減少了危害健康的危險機率。


獨特的電離子技術 Proprietary Ion Technology
Global Warming will create 100 Trillion US dollar market valuev
全球警戒Global Warning 您住宅和辦公室的殺手



能產生高密度之電離氣流, 將您呼吸區域中的懸浮粒子附上電荷. 使塵埃因電荷排斥而自使用者的呼吸區域中排除, 形成一個幾乎沒有懸浮顆粒的 “乾淨空間”,

The Exclusion Zone
Generates an intense electrostatic ion wind that Charges floating particles in the “breathing zone.” The particles are then substantially repelled away from the wearer, creating an almost particle-free “exclusion zone”



使用電離子淨化技術, 可以對周圍空間的空氣進行全方位的淨化,提供更周全的保護.

Ionic purifiers cleanse the surrounding air in all directions, providing more complete protection for the wearer.



經世界級相關健康空氣研究機構證實能有效降低黴菌,病毒和細菌有效減少因呼吸而染病的危險 .

Compact & Effective...

Confirmed by world authorities in health-related aerosol studies to significantly reduce molds, viruses and bacteria Add to that the substantial inhalation risk reductions .



微型空氣淨化器能淨化您呼吸區域的空氣, 使之更潔淨安全, 有效降低您呼吸區域中的懸浮顆粒(包含:黴菌, 病毒, 細菌, 過敏原等)

What It Does...

Treats the air that people breathe, making it cleaner and safer, substantially reducing the concentrations of airborne particles (molds, viruses, bacteria, pollens, etc.)



微型淨化器能將您呼吸區域中大部分的細菌, 煙味,灰塵, 過敏原, 異味, 黴菌,香水味與花粉等加以排除, 無論您走到哪裡, 都能給您更乾淨更清新的空氣.

Most germs, smoke, dust, allergens, odors, molds, perfumes, and pollen are repelled away from you and your breathing zone, giving you cleaner, fresher air to breathe - wherever you may be.*




這項獨特的電離技術不使用風扇, 也不使用濾網, 更不需要保養, 體積精巧, 使您能舒適佩帶,易便於攜帶.

Proprietary Ion Technology

This proprietary ion technology requires no fan, no filter, and no maintenance, which makes Novus-Mini™ so small and convenient that it can be worn comfortably and taken almost



隨身微型空氣淨化器 Fresh Air Buddy US$167.    NT$5500.
