2007-08-03 17:55:25降 ♡


use computer once again la XD

this time i use school library’s

waiting for my buddy lo

learnes local english and saw someone not bad today la

wanna buy something special in Raffles

maybe next monday I think

hey* I hane to go la

see you next time

maybe ...

in taiwan (?!)

橘子雞絲飯 2007-08-13 22:18:52

等我發現後也改不了了= =

俊宏 2007-08-11 22:45:45

嘿!! Taiwan T 要大寫@@a

2007-08-08 10:41:42

雖然不想裝熟,但是, 阿雞絲飯, 是
&quotI am waiting for you&quot 看你想說什麼的
PS 我想你們的阿降小姐會幫你改的 XD