2004-03-27 06:38:05CentauR

好電影 Eternal Sunshine of Spotless Mind

李國修曾在相聲段子裡說過, "人啊! 要是記性好~ 那就註定痛苦!" 《那一夜,誰來說相聲》, 這部電影描繪出意象的與抽象的、人腦裏面的與思想外的、真的與假的、看的入戲或是愛的太深其實都無法形容這部片子的,請自己個人去體會。

我想,一個人曾有過什麼樣的夢境、幻想, 有沒有抽過麻、drop 過"E", 甚至個性和心情都能夠左右一個人如何來看待、如何思考這部戲本身和其背後所蘊藏的含意、故事和導演想傳達的訊息。 請拭目以待, 希望台灣的片商會買這部片子!

唯一的建議,就是請那些看電影不帶大腦或是習慣Jim Carrey過去搞笑風格的朋友,不要浪費錢去華納威秀睡覺、假貴氣,免得丟人。

以下是大綱, 就不英翻中了~ 自己搞定╮(﹀_﹀")╭
Joel(Jim Carrey) is stunned to discover that his girlfriend Clementine (Kate Winslet) has had the memories of their tumultuous relationship erased. Out of desperation, he contacts the inventor of the process, Dr. Howard Mierzwiak(Tom Wilkinson), to have Clementine removed from his own memory. But as Joel's memories progressively begin to disappear, he begins to discover their earlier passion. From deep within the recesses of his brain, Joel attempts to escape the procedure. As Dr. Mierzwiak and his crew chase him through the maze of his memories, it's clear that Joel can't get Clementine out of his head.