2011-11-29 11:55:50kao1306

Twitter Tweets' Commentary - DIRTY SOB rich countries

Twitter Tweets' Commentary - DIRTY SOB rich countries

kao1306 joe kao 
DIRTY SOB rich countries are reneging on pledges made before. @BBC Climate summit sees Canadian strike on Kyoto treaty bbc.in/scaYzM
2 minutes ago 

kao1306 joe kao 
London Smog in 1952 believed have led to the deaths of 12,000 people @BBC UK oldest environmental charity faces closure bbc.in/vRITiY
2 hours ago 

kao1306 joe kao 
Avoiding CyberCrime Obviously Is A Daydream! @BBC News - UK cybersecurity plan a 'promising step' but with risks bbc.in/u05lyp
28 Nov