2011-10-03 13:31:04kao1306
FB貼文回應 - 國慶日
FB Post Response - National Day (FB貼文回應 - 國慶日)
But counting in this way seems to be a problem, Because if only 62 years old won't be able to align with the Qing Dynasty. How to explain the 38 years' interval gap. If the PRC is considered a new dynasty, Then the ROC is situated between the Qing Dynasty and the PRC. Is such a reckoning comparatively rational? @高天賜 Counting from 1949 until now is 62 years. Yet the party's age is more than that. At the time the KMT being founded, the ROC was shouted out until now. So it depends on whether the nation's age or the party's was concerned. It is different.
Saturday at 12:32pm · Like
不過這樣算似乎是有問題, 因為如果只有62歲, 根本無法跟清朝接軌, 中間空檔38年怎麼說, 如果中華人民共和國是算新的朝代, 那麼中華民國就是介於清朝跟中華人民共和國中間的朝代, 這樣推算是否比較合理? @高天賜 是由1949年開始算起至今62年. 但是如果以黨算就不止. 當時國民黨成立的時候也同時將中華民國喊出來至今. 所以要看黨齡與國齡. 這是有分.
Saturday at 12:32pm · Like