2011-09-28 06:47:38kao1306

Twitter Tweets Replies' Selection



Twitter Tweets Replies' Selection

kao1306 Joe kao 

Yuh..TV Is Brain-Made Satan..I Hate It Too..@MichelleRivera5 There is absolutely nothing good on TV right now! I am bored out of my mind!

6 hours ago 


kao1306 Joe kao 

May God Save Our Soul!@bodtwicom メア発言⇒http://bit.ly/ei6Yan bodtwi[ボディケアxツイッター]で検索された流行の検索キーワードをつぶやいてますなう⇒http://bodtwi.com/ 気になったら拡散RT歓迎です

6 hours ago 


kao1306 Joe kao 

The Joke Is Very Funny! @tom_peters Very few"sure things" today's But anything associated with care for aging boomers is 99.99% guarantee...

6 hours ago 


kao1306 Joe kao 

I Hate You @MelhoresFrasess Diga que me odeia e seja sincero comigo, mas não diga te amo só pra me enganar. Coração não é coisa pra brinc...

6 hours ago 


kao1306 Joe kao 

Thanks For Your Kindness!@antavidevc #walmartcard this is the gift for you @kao1306 http://bit.ly/gHYgUQ?=mbb

6 hours ago 


kao1306 Joe kao 

Who Is Your Neighbor?Mr. Obama?@pauloakenfold The mad neighbor chucked a bunch of yellow rubber duckies over my fence in the pool. Wtf?

7 hours ago 


kao1306 Joe kao 

Oh..My God ..Where Is My Bike?.. @GOOD Did you miss --> The best bike lock puts your bike out of reach http://su.pr/2vcaNd

7 hours ago 


kao1306 Joe kao 

Wow! Money Making Machine...@TheEconomist Data-driven finance: A new class of internet start-ups is trying to turn data into money ...

7 hours ago 


kao1306 Joe kao 

Thoughtful Encouraging! @DominicScott The awkward silence when Britney Spears comes on the radio and a black man yells,"OMG THAT'S MY SONG!"

12 hours ago 


kao1306 Joe kao 

Teeth To Teeth/ Eyes To Eyes @alaa شهادة د هاني الحسين عن ف اعتصام كلية اعلام بالقوة تعليق من د ليلى سوي على مسئولية رئيس الجامعة و وحدة الصف

12 hours ago 


kao1306 Joe kao 

Shitting All Day Is Realy Wonderful @TheBloggess After a shit day it's an undeniable pleasure to find myself directly underneath @amandapalmer

12 hours ago 


kao1306 Joe kao 

Hearty Applauds for Google @ACLU BLOG: We need companies like Google to support efforts to protect reader privacy. http://bit.ly/f4Akq6

12 hours ago 


kao1306 Joe kao 

No, I'm Your Lord's Father@CoralCorman2231 Youare only a boy, I know, but you are our prince as well, our lord’s son and our king’s true heir

22 Mar 


kao1306 Joe kao 

But The Key Point Is Do You Know Youself...@Euniceilhmg ..how people treat and talk to you different cause you know a secret about them?...

22 Mar 


kao1306 Joe kao 

A Well-known Beggar..Gets Me Too..@Ali_Nejad Yep, Secret Millionaire...gets me every time.

22 Mar 


kao1306 Joe kao 

When They Laugh, Either..@DominicScott When people cry in comas you know something is still there.

22 Mar 


kao1306 Joe kao 

What's Wrong With Live And Hate Life..@ParisHilton Live and love life

22 Mar Favorite Reply Delete


kao1306 Joe kao 

But ...What's Wrong With Limit?//@DominicScott Limitless was SO good

22 Mar