2011-09-22 08:10:05kao1306

新浪微博貼文評論 - 稻盛和夫(2)

Sina Weibo Post Commentary - 稻盛和夫(2) (新浪微博貼文評論 - 稻盛和夫(2))

It Is Impossible To Have Unlimited Efforts, Excessive Efforts Will Lead To Death From Overwork. And  Attempting, At All Times, To Achieve A Breakthrough Itself, Will, On The Contrary, Become A Kind Of Obstacle.不可能有無限的努力, 過度的努力將導致過勞死. 而且一直試圖有所突破的本身, 反而變成一種障礙.
@稻盛和夫 Effort is no limit. Unlimited efforts will achieve a self-shocked great task. We must break the existing ideas in the inner self. After eradicating the barrier, crossing the demarcation line, can arrive at the other shore of success. The breakthrough barrier's self-confidence will lead you to a bigger success.努力是没有极限的。无限的努力将成就令本人都感到震惊的伟业。必须打破自我内心中的既有观念。破除壁垒、越过界线后就能抵达成功彼岸。突破壁垒的自信心将带领你走向更大的成功。