2011-07-15 12:42:29kao1306

Twitter Tweets - Socrates (Part 1)

Twitter Tweets - Socrates (Part 1)

kao1306_ Athena 
Lack Of Wisdom,Not Unrighteousness. @Socrates “The difficulty,not in avoiding death,but in avoiding unrighteousness_runs faster than death”
16 hours ago 

kao1306_ Athena 
Ya!.. A Politician Cannot Live Without Dishonesty And Corruption. @Socrates “I was really too honest a man to be a politician and live.”
16 hours ago 

kao1306_ Athena 
Does This Mean Human Is More Stupid Day By Day? @Socrates “The sum of intelligence on the planet is a constant; the population is growing.”
17 hours ago 

kao1306_ Athena 
Truly, A Life Without Wisdom Is Not Worth Living. @Socrates “The unexamined life is not worth living.”
17 hours ago 

kao1306_ Athena 
Wrong! Wisdom, Not Knowledge. @Socrates “There is only one good, knowledge, and one evil, ignorance”
17 hours ago 

kao1306_ Athena 
No, Continue With Wisdom! @Socrates “Be slow to fall into friendship, but when thou art in, continue firm and constant.”
17 hours ago 

kao1306_ Athena 
Women's High Modern Education Is A Disaster To Whole Human! @Socrates “Once made equal to man, woman becomes his superior.”
17 hours ago 

kao1306_ Athena 
Have Wisdom, Not "To Be Better". @Socrates “When you belong to a minority, you have to be better in order to have the right to be equal.”
17 hours ago 

kao1306_ Athena 
No, God Doesn't Know. @Socrates “The hour of departure has arrived & we go our ways;I to die,&you to live.Which is better? Only God knows.”
17 hours ago 

kao1306_ Athena 
Wisdom! Not Contentment. @Socrates “Contentment is natural wealth, luxury is artificial poverty”
17 hours ago