2003-10-03 00:20:50尚未設定

最愛的結他手 ~ Bernard Butler

人有悲歡離合,世時無常,有誰能預知未來呢 ?

正如Bernard Butler在1995年離開Suede,放棄未完成的大碟 Dog Man Star,毅然決定單飛Solo,好比Fiction電影更虛疑、更意想不到!

不論如何,Bernard Butler是世上傑出的結他手,亦是我永恒最愛的結他手!
Bernard Butler的Solo大碟算是典型的「好評不好買」,他的一番心血得到碟評人賞識,但卻未能打入主流音樂市場! " People Move On " 及 " Friends And Lovers "之後,靜候了兩年,始終未有新的大碟推出!

世事難料,Bernard Butler回巢了,但並非Suede,而是曾口角之爭、繼而動武、水火不熔的David McAlmont,再次以 McAlmont & Butler 的名字再戰江湖!
樣貌Cool得很的Bernard亦能寬宏大量,既往不咎;奈何,小氣的Brett Anderson卻未能放下8年的恩恩怨怨 ... ... 可能這正是Suede一沉不起的代價吧!

以下是Bernard Butler的小檔案:

Bernard Butler - 前Suede靈魂人物

生日日期 -- May 3rd, 1970

出生地方 -- Leyton, England

最喜歡的樂隊 -- The Beatles, T-Rex, The Smiths

最不喜歡Rehersal,watch Tv;最關心London的露宿者;討厭看書;

最喜歡的Suede歌曲:The Big Time,The Next Life ,He's Dead;

最喜歡的喜劇演員竟是Simon Gilbert ( Suede的冷面鼓手 ) ... ...

Bernard Butler誓不甘休,要向世界證明離開Suede乃Suede的損失、Brett Anderson的恥辱,我要活得比你好!

Not Alone
Album : People Move On

Should I tell you why I feel so down
When all I've carried for days is the same old doubts?
Well I'd tell you if I'd had a plan
Only you're one of those with your head in the sand

While I don't feel so afraid
Maybe this is just some kind of phase
But I don't care about the wind in my face

Cos I'm not alone, these days
No, I'm not alone, these days, yes
I'm not alone, these days
No, I'm not alone, these days, yes

Could I tell you how I hear those sounds?
Well I've been roaming the streets
With my head in the clouds
And I won't need to show you my heart
Cos all I need in my hands is an electric guitar

But I'm not alone, these days
No, I'm not alone, these days, yes
I'm not alone, these days

Maybe i misunderstood

