2012-04-09 00:31:32cc


when i saw the past artical in 2/7, i realize i didnt change anything about him! i'm still so imaginative about all his life, what he is thinking about me, even thought i created a guy chasing after me to make him jealous! i've thought to unfriend with him on fb so many times. but i couldnt do it finally... why ? cuz i cant face there will be not this guy in my life! i cant accept! so every week i always control the same emotion after i talk to him. the teacher said there is no chance between uguys..it hurt me much!總是撐住自己, 然後在夜深人靜的時候再被自己的情緒反撲 然後告訴自己很多次 不要再連絡的 但是總是想著關注 手指就不聽使喚的按了下去 來來回回很多次 解除加入解除加入....他說我可以等七月 那為什麼那個人非得要七月才出現呢?我要的不多 走路會等我 ...我一點也不想要過著每次跟他講完話 就非等要空虛兩個星期 的生活 還要忍住自己不可以崩潰 不可以失態 不可以鬧脾氣 一切都是因為他不是你的 你沒有權干涉他的生活 還要笑笑多說 快出去玩 快去揮霍生活 還要忍住說著 那你要來TW找我ㄇ?...