2012-01-21 21:17:06cc


suck! im sick!! even the god had told me u wouldnt have good result, i still added him to my close friend on fb... i still check my fb every hours to get some news from him, to image what he's doing every mins...shit! i talk to myself i had passed the emotion with him, but actually i dont! i had known there was no future between us, but i still have little pity to beg that he has some interested on me...it's impossible...im so sad...i just cant trust he just make fun of me in this relationship!...maybe he even dont think we were in a relationship..... why cant i always  meet a good guys? i just stay here to be stuck in a traditional trap, to be a Chinese! to be a child! to be a good daughter and i'll lost all my feeling here, lost to be a person...