2005-10-23 21:58:24嘉敏

Sometimes I feel

Sometimes I feel that I am looking after a baby rather than an adult
When I need to try my best to pursuade her to speak more
When I need to think some new games to play with her
When I need to encourage her to have more courage to walk more
When I need to think of some jokes to play with her

Sometimes I feel that I have already put all my effort
When I refuse the meetings with my colleagues and friends
When I stay at home as long as I am free
When I pay as much attention that I can on her
When I don’t concern about my own dignity

When U didn’t come across my situation
U may feel odd when I said I have to help my mother to go to toilet
or I have to feed my mother
Some of my friends may feel that it is strange or something dirty
But I have already adapted to it and
I never feel any dirty for doing this
When we think of how our mother did to us when we were young
I am just doing the responsibility as a daughter