What color is a burp?打嗝的顏色是什麼顏色?外國小孩的答案是"Burple”!

What color is a burp? 打嗝的顏色是什麼顏色?


L: Let’s see here– What color is a burp?

R:  A “burp” – you mean 打嗝 ?   I know it’s an action, the gas coming out from your stomach; they pass through and go out your mouth…

L: Oh my god, you hear this……burp, like this (Les burps)

R: It should be colorless. No color, I can’t understand you.

L: It’s called “Burple”! That’s a kid’s joke. They combine the word purple and burp. Well, to children, it’s very funny.

R: Why kids love this kind of jokes related to the butt and burp?

L: Well, anything related to your butt or your burp or any sounds your body makes, children think that’s great, and I do, too.