2016-04-05 11:21:34蔡蟳








Date: Feb 29, 2016 8:56 AM

Subject: My uncle; 我的二伯父




My Uncle


 >When I was eight years old, one day I saw my uncle. This was the first also thelast time I saw him, a man from far away city of  Chiayi Taiwan came to Taitung to say goodbyeto his brother (my Dad) and my family. At the same time, I also learned to becareful to listen to adult's secrets, and certainly I would not tell thesesecrets to others and had this for self commitment.


 >My uncle's name Tsai, Zong-Gi who was born in 1898. My grandfather sent them,five boys, to study in Kyoto, Japan. Five brothers were at Doshisha highschool. After that my uncle went to Imperial Osaka Institute of Technology, tostudy chemistry. My Papa went to Waseda University in Tokyo. Our family settledin Taichung Chinghsui, in ancient name called Gumatou meaning of, head ofcattle. That was first my great-grand-father joined the Christian. They werevery devout in Christian activities. 1897 British Rev. Campbell N. Moody cameto preach sermons at this town. After that, he became the first churchestablishment members at Taichung. My grandpa raised money to build thesynagogue, built the first Christian church there. So, my uncles whoparticipated in the local church service or volunteer works never absent.


 >In town of Sy-Rua there is Liao family. In this family have first son calledLiao Wen-Zen and third son Liao Wenyi etc. My uncle's cousin called Tsai, XiuLuan (1905-1965) she studied at Doshisha Women's College of English Language,and she married to MD Liao Wen-Zen. My uncle married to Liao's sister. Earlyyoung fellows who study in Japan, they were very enthusiastic about religion,child marriage, became the network relatives. Unfortunately, when theyparticipated in politics to help their ethnic autonomy, and became an enemy ofalien regime. "228" incident is an example of the event. The peopleof Taiwan lived in the dark of political genocide; to face sadness is stilldifficult to be comfort.


 >Because of Liao was enthusiastic at autonomy independence movement andstruggle. It is sure, that led to oppression, exploitation and threatening toundermine the safety of family friends and relatives. His family one by onewere imprisonment, his sister-in-law was in prison almost dying off, her sonalso became madness. My uncle saw the seriousness of the danger. It wouldaffect the safety of relatives, he decided to leave Taiwan to Brazil to escapethe disaster, and his information from that moment was interrupt. Since wecould not see him, thereafter no longer mention my uncle, and Liao Wenyi orrelationship anymore. Now think about it, it is very absurd.


 >In any case we have had my grandfather patina of old photos; this is a photo mygrandfather and his family of five children of brothers together. Aged aroundyoung children wearing old fashion in their families, they faced serious,especially in my second uncle his childhood of witty face. My childhoodmemories and mood has been very heavy. I often filled with tears, scared panicin those scenarios, such as a nightmare last night.


> 我的二伯父




> 我阿伯名字叫蔡仲舉,他生於1898年。當時我阿公送他們五個男孩到日本京都讀書。五個兄弟都在同志社中學讀書,之後我阿伯再到大阪帝大工學院,讀化學,我阿爸則去東京早稻田大學。我們的家族在台中清水古稱牛罵頭是有許多代的基督教背景,都非常虔誠的基督徒。1897年英國梅甘霧牧師到清水傳教佈道後,清水成為台中海線地區最早設立的教會,1917年我阿公蔡介和長老倡募興建會堂,建有牛罵頭基督教會。因此,我的阿伯們在當地教會的服務,當教會事工從不缺席。






 >無論如何我們還保存我阿公老舊古色的照片,這是阿公和他家庭五小孩兄弟在一起時的相片。十歲左右的年輕孩子們穿著舊時裝和家人團聚,他們嚴肅面孔,特別是二伯父他小時候機智的面容。回憶兒時我的心情一直沉重,不時湧起熱淚,我童年心驚恐慌中的那些情景,如昨夜一場噩夢。(撰寫人: Chiping Tsai)










新郎廖文奎 (19051952) 原名廖溫奎,西螺望族廖承丕 (18711939) 次子。日本京都同志社中學畢業後,赴中國就讀金陵大學。畢業後又赴美深造,獲芝加哥大學哲學博士。是台獨運動的理論家。其大哥為醫學及史學博士廖溫仁,三弟為台獨領袖廖文毅博士。




前排左三、四、五分別為新郎表妹王朱綿、王朱霞、王朱鶯 (許寸金醫師夫人),左七為新郎姑媽廖閃。




